Graphic Reports - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Graphic reports provide a quick way to view only those items in a drawing that you want to see. You can save the definitions to create custom graphic reports that you can reuse. Because you can run graphic reports only on a specific drawing or design file, you must select the drawing or design file before you run the report.

You can run a graphic report in several ways:

  • You can right-click a document, click Files > Run Graphic Report, and select the graphic report you want to run.

  • You can right-click a graphic report definition, click Run Graphic Report, and then select the document revision on which you want to run the report.

  • You can run a graphic report by viewing a drawing or model with the View and Markup command, right-clicking a blank area of the drawing, and clicking Files > Run Graphic Report.

New Graphic Report dialog box

Allows you to select the item type for a new graphic report in SmartPlant Foundation.

Description - Displays the descriptions of the available item types.

Save Graphic Report dialog box

Allows you to save your query criteria for the graphic report.

Name - Displays the name of the graphic report that you want to save.

Description - Displays the description of the graphic report that you want to save.

Owner - Displays the user name of the user who created the graphic report definition.

Edit Graphic Report Definition dialog box

Allows you to define the query criteria for a graphic report.

Related Item - Specifies the category of the property that you want to read from the database and put into the graphic report.

Caption - Displays the names of the properties that can be selected for your graphic report.

Criteria - Allows you to type a value for your query criteria. Click in this area to open the Criteria Definition dialog box, where you may define the criteria to be used in the display of the drawing.

Prompt - Indicates whether the user is prompted for a value to be used as criteria when the graphic report is executed. When this value is set to True, the user is prompted. Click the value in this box to switch between True and False.

Symbology - Opens the Define Symbology dialog box, where you can choose the way items are displayed in the graphic report.

Save - Saves the report in its current format.

Save As - Opens the , where you can provide a name and description for the report definition. When you click this button, you create an entirely new graphic report based on the current graphic report definition.

Define Symbology dialog box

Allows you to specify how items are displayed in the graphic report. This dialog box consists of separate tabs for defining symbology for two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models.

2D tab of the Define Symbology dialog box

Allows you to specify how items are displayed in the graphic report.

Matching items - Specifies how items that meet the defined criteria are displayed in the graphic report.

Color - Defines the color in which the items matching the specified criteria are displayed. From this list box, you can select to use the native color, as defined in the drawing, or Custom, and click the corresponding box to choose the color you want to use for matching items.

Line weight - Choose the line weight you want to use to display items that match the specified report criteria.

Non-matching items - Specifies how items that do not meet the defined criteria are displayed in the graphic report.

Display - Indicates whether non-matching items are displayed in the graphic report display at all. If this check box is not selected, only items that match the specified criteria will appear in the display.

Color - Select the color in which the non-matching items are displayed. From this list box, you can select to use the native color, as defined in the drawing, or select Custom, and click the corresponding box to choose the color you want to use for non-matching items.

Line weight - Select the line weight you want to use to display non-matching items.

Fit - Select from a list of zoom options to determine the focus in the graphic report. None indicates that the zoom level and displayed portion of the drawing will not be changed based on the report results. Matching items indicates that the focus will be zoomed at as tightly as possible while still displaying all matching items, and Full drawing indicates that the whole drawing will be displayed.

Reset to default values - Click this button to return all the options on this tab to their default settings.

3D tab of the Define Symbology dialog box

Allows you to specify how items are displayed in the graphic report.

Matching items - Specifies how items that meet the defined criteria are displayed in the graphic report.

Color - Select the color in which the items matching the specified criteria are displayed. From this list box, you can select to use the native color, as defined in the drawing, or Custom, and click the corresponding box to choose the color you want to use for matching items.

Line weight - Choose the line weight you want to use to display items that match the specified report criteria. This value is used only when the render mode is set to Outline.

Line style - Select a line style to be used to display matching items in the graphic report. You can choose to use the native style from the drawing or select from a number of other line styles. This value is used only when the render mode is set to Outline.

Render mode - Specifies how you would like to have matching items displayed in the graphic report. You can have items displayed with the render defined in the original drawing, or you can choose to have them displayed as outlines, as solid objects with shading, or as semi-transparent. This setting is used only when the 3D model is displayed in smooth shaded mode.

Non-matching items - Specifies how items that do not meet the defined criteria are displayed in the graphic report.

Display - Indicates whether non-matching items are displayed in the graphic report display at all. If this check box is not selected, only items that match the specified criteria will appear in the display.

Color - Choose the color in which the non-matching items are displayed. From this list box, you can choose to use the native color, as defined in the drawing, or choose Custom, and click the corresponding box to choose the color you want to use for non-matching items.

Line weight - Choose the line weight you want to use to display non-matching items. This value is used only when the render mode is set to Outline.

Line style - Select a line style to be used to display non-matching items in the graphic report. You can choose to use the native style from the drawing or select from a number of other line styles. This value is used only when the render mode is set to Outline.

Render mode - Choose how you would like to have non-matching items displayed in the graphic report. You can have items displayed with the render defined in the original drawing, or you can choose to have them displayed as outlines, as solid objects with shading, or as semi-transparent. This setting is used only when the 3D model is displayed in smooth shaded mode.

Fit - Select from a list of zoom options to determine the focus in the graphic report. None indicates that the zoom level and displayed portion of the drawing will not be changed based on the report results. Matching items indicates that the focus will be zoomed at as tightly as possible while still displaying all matching items, and Full drawing indicates that the whole drawing will be displayed.

Reset to default values - Click this button to return all the options on this tab to their default settings.

Run Graphic Report dialog box

If you selected a graphic report before clicking the Run Graphic Report command, this dialog box allows you to choose a drawing or model on which to run the selected graphic report definition. If you selected a drawing or model before clicking the Run Graphic Report command, this dialog box allows you to choose one or more graphic report definitions to apply to that model or drawing.

Criteria that appear in this table are determined by the selection you made before running the Run Graphic Report command.

Selecting a drawing or model on which to run the selected graphic report

Name of Item - Displays the name of the drawing or model.

Description - Displays the description of the drawing or model.

Class - Specifies the class of each drawing or model.

Creation Date - Indicates the date on which the drawing or model was created.

Created By - Indicates who created the model or drawing.

Last Updated Date - Indicates the date on which the drawing or model was last updated.

Selecting one or more graphic reports to run against the selected model or drawing

Name of Item - Provides the name of defined graphic reports that are available to use. You may choose one or more of these reports by selecting them from this table.

If only one report is defined and available, this dialog box does not appear; the report is used automatically.

Classification - Specifies the classification of each defined graphic report.

Descriptions - Provides a brief description of each graphic report as provided when it was created.

All date and time settings are stored in the database in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), but displayed in local time, as determined by the regional settings on the local computer.

Graphic Results window

The Graphic Results window is available when you view graphic reports. This window lists all the graphic report definitions as well as their resulting items that are applied to a view.

You can apply multiple graphic report definitions to a drawing or a model at one time, once the drawing or model is displayed. When you do so, those definitions are listed in this window in the order in which they were applied. If an item in the view matches more than one definition, the symbology of the last matching definition is used in the display.

Selected definitions are applied to the display. If you clear the selection, the results of that definition are removed from the display.

Beneath each definition is a list of each item in the drawing that matches the criteria in that definition. When the name of the item is selected, the item is selected in the display and the symbology of the item is changed accordingly. When selection is cleared, the symbology of the item reverts to the symbology of the drawing or to the last report that included the item.

If the Properties window is displayed, selecting an item in this window displays the properties of that item there. Right-clicking on a report definition item displays a menu with two commands -- Update Symbology and Remove. The Remove command removes the report from the window. Clearing the report selection has the same effect on the display as using the Remove command.

The Update symbology command allows you to modify the symbology definition for a report on-the-fly for the currently displayed report only. It does not apply the changes back to the report definition. You may want to use this command if you find that the defined symbology is not different enough from the drawing items to allow you to differentiate easily between matching and non-matching items or if you want to differentiate between multiple reports applied to the drawing.

You can perform tasks in this window using the toolbar along the top of this window. These commands are described below.

Collapse All - Closes all the hierarchical items in the tree.

Expand All - Opens all the hierarchical items in the tree.

Check All - Selects the all the graphic report definitions and matching items in the tree.

Uncheck All - Clears all the selected items in the tree.

Current Definitions window

The Current Definitions window is available when you view graphic reports. This window lists all the graphic report definitions that are applied to a view and lists details about the criteria for each.

You can apply multiple graphic report definitions to a drawing at one time. When you do so, those definitions are listed in this window in the order in which they were applied. Under each definition, a table lists all the properties and values that are criteria for the definition.

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