Generate multiple data sheets into single worksheet - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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You can select multiple process instruments and generate data sheets for them into a single Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. While generating the data sheet, you can select a download directory and save it locally. A cover page can also be added to the generated spreadsheet to display high level information of what the subsequent sheets contain.

A client API, GenMultiDatasheets is available to enable generation of multiple data sheets of process instruments. For more information about the arguments of the GenMultiDatasheets client API, see GenMultiDatasheets client API.

To use the functionality, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new method, and select GenMultiDatasheets from the client API list.

  2. Enter the data sheet definition UID.

  3. Select the Available in Desktop client option.

  4. Click Finish. A new method is created and appears in the New Items area.

  5. In the New Items area, right-click on the new method and select Manage Interface Definitions.

  6. In the Manage Interface Definitions dialog, find the IPRCProcessInstrument interface and assign it to the method.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Right-click on the method in the New Items area, and select Manage Access Groups.

  9. In the Manage Access Groups dialog, select Process Engineer and assign the access group to the method.

  10. Create a new data sheet template document.

  11. Attach the cover sheet template spreadsheet to the template document.

  12. Update the data sheet definition with the coversheet template details.

    • You may check-out the cover sheet template and launch the data sheet definer to modify mapping. Mapping only for HTABLE and VTABLE is provided with this feature.

    • You can generate the multiple data sheets functionality on process instruments.

    • The output spreadsheet is named in the format: UID_Date_Time of generation.