Additional map filtering - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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When specifying a mapping relationship between two interface or property definitions, one integration and one CDW, you can execute the mapping for one or more class definitions. This makes it possible to map a common interface like IPBSItem just for the PIDInlineInstrument class definition by specifying End1MapValue on IMapRel. For example:


<IObject UID="IPBSItem.ISPFCDWPBSItem.InterfaceDefMap"/>

<IRel UID1="IPBSItem" UID2="ISPFCDWPBSItem" DefUID="InterfaceDefToInterfaceDef" OrderValue="0" IsRequired="False"/>

<IMapRel End1MapValue="PIDInlineInstrument" />



To map the interface for multiple class definitions, include the complete list of class definitions as the value for End1MapValue, separating each class definition name with a comma. For example, End1MapValue="PIDInlineInstrument,ELEInstrument,INDXInstrument".