Workflow checklists and recipients - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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Checklists are a series of items, tasks, or questions that the user can be forced to complete before a step can be completed in a workflow. The completion of checklists can be optional or mandatory.

Checklist objects are used when defining a workflow template where there is the option of assigning a checklist to the step.

Checklists are presented in the To Do List against the step.

Details of the properties and functionality exposed by these interfaces are given in the sections that follow.


ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstPrimary is the primary interface of the SPFWorkflowStepChkLst class.

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLst interface

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLst is realized by SPFWorkflowStepChkLst class and is implied by ISPFObjectWorkflowStepChkLst.

Functionality configured on ISPFWorkflowStepChkLst

The methods Manage Check List Items, Create Check List Items, Copy, Terminate, and Update can be configured on this interface.

SPFWrkflwCheckListCheckListItem relationship definition

SPFWrkflwCheckListCheckListItem links the check list item to the check list when an item is added to a check list.

SPFObjectWorkflowStepWorkflowStepChkLst relationship definition

SPFObjectWorkflowStepWorkflowStepChkLst links the instantiated workflow check lists to the instantiated workflow steps.

This relationship is created when the instantiated workflow is created by copying the template steps and related check lists.

SPFTemplateWorkflowStepWorkflowStepChkLst relationship definition

SPFTemplateWorkflowStepWorkflowStepChkLst links the template workflow check lists to the template workflow steps.

Created on the Create or Update Workflow Template form.

SPFWrkflwStepCompletedBy relationship definition

See Instantiated workflow.

SPFWorkflowStepChkLstAllocatedTo relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepChkLstAllocatedTo links a login user to the instantiated workflow step check list allocated to them.

SPFWorkflowStepChkLstCompletedBy relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepChkLstCompletedBy links the login user to the step check list and identifies the user as the person who completed the check list on the workflow.

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstTemplate interface

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstTemplate is realized by the SPFWorkflowStepChkLst class and identifies a check list template.

ISPFObjectWorkflowStepChkLst interface

ISPFObjectWorkflowStepChkLst is realized by the SPFWorkflowStepChkLst class and is instantiated on object workflow check lists.

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstItem interface

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstItem is realized by the SPFWorkflowStepChkLstItem class and is implied by ISPFObjectWorkflowStepChkLstItem.

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstItemTemplate interface

ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstItemTemplate is realized by the SPFWorkflowStepChkLstItem class and identifies it as a check list item on a template workflow step.


ISPFWorkflowStepChkLstItemPrimary is the primary interface for the SPFWorkflowStepChkLstItem class.

ISPFObjectWorkflowStepChkLstItem interface

ISPFObjectWorkflowStepChkLstItem is realized by the SPFWorkflowStepChkLstItem class and identifies a check list item on an instantiated workflow.

The following properties are found on this interface.



Set on


The value entered by a user completing a checklist item for a step (Boolean)

Checklist Completion dialog box of a workflow step in the user's To Do List


Comments entered by a user completing a checklist item for a step

Checklist Completion dialog box of a workflow step in the user's To Do List

ISPFLoginUser interface

See Users.

ISPFWorkflowTemplateStep interface

See Workflow templates.


See Instantiated workflow.