View and Markup window for 3D files - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

When you select a model drawing from PDS or Intergraph Smart 3D and select the View and Markup command, the View and Markup window displays, as illustrated by the following example. The View and Markup window for models has slightly different commands than the window for 2D drawings.

SPF DTC WIN 3DViewMarkup

Select - Locates one or more objects to apply a specific command.

Locate Filter - Choose the type of items you want to select in the view. The option you choose from this drop-down list box determines what items in the view can be selected with the Select Tool. The Features option allows you to select features in the model. The Runs options allow you to select pipe runs in the model. The All option allows you to select any item in the model except for runs and features.

Set Colors - Sets the background, selected item, and highlight colors on a drawing. The background color selection is valid for only the active drawing. The selected item and highlight colors are saved on a per session basis. That is, each drawing you view until you log off uses the selected item and highlight color you select.

Outline/Smooth Shaded - Switches the view of the items in the model between an outline and smooth shaded rendering. In outline mode, objects appear with edges as a single line and the surfaces solid; edge lines and faces not within the normal view are hidden. In the smooth shaded mode, objects appear solid with smooth shaded surfaces.

Common Views - Displays a two-dimensional or isometric orientation of objects in the active view. This command opens the Common Views dialog box, which displays a three-dimensional wireframe box. This box consists of white circles on each corner and three white arrows that point to the faces. Each corner circle, arrow, or face of the box highlights in yellow as you pause the pointer over it. You can select one of the six faces of the 3D box to change your view to a 2D view, or you can select one of the eight corner circles to change your view to an isometric view. A message at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the direction or type of your selection, such as Plan, Isometric, and so forth.

Move Forward/Back, Left/Right - Moves the depth of the view point forward or back in reference to the object you are looking at in the model when you move the cursor up or down. Moving the mouse left or right causes the view to rotate left or right.

Pan Up/Down, Left/Right - Increase or decreases the elevation of the view origin when you move the mouse up or down. Moving the mouse left or right moves the view in a line parallel to the far clipping plane.

Rotate Vertical/Horizontal - Tilts the view up or down when you move the mouse up or down. Moving the mouse left or right rotates the view left and right.

Measure - Allows you to measure points, distances, and minimum distances. Click a point to display its coordinates in the model. Click a second point to display the distance (both the total distance and distances along each axis) between the points. If the first click selects an object, double-click a second object to display the minimum distance (both the total distance and the distances along each axis) between the objects.

  • At any point, you can reset the command by right-clicking to return to a previous step. By resetting, the last selected point or object becomes the starting point.

  • The current measurement is displayed until you press the ESC key or select a different toolbar command.

Rotate View - Rotates or turns a view freely about the view center or about a principal vector originating from the view center.

Fit View to Object - Fits a selected object in the model in the active view. Click this command and then choose an object to set the focus on that specific object.

Zoom Tool - Increases or decreases the display size of objects in the model. You can zoom in to get a closer view of an object or zoom out to see more of the model at a reduced size. Click the left mouse button and drag the pointer upward in the window to increase the view of an object as though you were moving closer to it. Drag the pointer downward in the window to reduce the view as though you were moving farther away from the object.

Zoom Area - Magnifies an area of the model. Drag or click two points to create a fence around an object or area of the model that you want to enlarge.

Zoom In - Increases the drawing view magnification so you can better see details in the drawing.

Zoom Out - Decreases the drawing view magnification so you can better see the overall drawing.

Fit - Fits all visible objects in the active view.

Pan - Moves the view up, down, left, or right to let you see other areas of the model. The pointer appears as a hand when this command is active.

SmartPlant Markup Plus - Opens the model for review in the SmartPlant Markup Plus application. This command opens the view in a new window, outside SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Review - Opens the model in the Smart Review application. This command opens the view in a new window, outside SmartPlant Foundation. This functionality is available only when Smart Review is installed on the local computer. For more information about the commands available in this view, refer to the Smart Review Help.