Target system query definitions - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

If the target systems do not have reliable unique keys setup, then a target system query definition can be used. The query definition is entered in the Target System Query Definition box as a series of properties, which can identify the object in the target system along with the class definition. These properties can be retrieved by navigating the relationships.

  • The query definition is a comma separated list of these properties, with no limitation to number or order.

  • Properties are specified by a period and then the VTL property definition UID.

  • Properties that require navigating relationships should have the relationship information before the property. This is the relationship definition UID prefixed with a plus sign for navigation from end 1 to 2 and a minus sign for end 2 to 1.

  • If an object can be identified in the target system by just its name and class definition, the query definition would be .Name.

  • If a tag object can be identified in the target system by its name, the name of the related area, and the class definition, then the query definition would be .Name,+VTLTagArea.Name.

  • If a document object can be identified in the target system by its name, its major, and minor revisions, the query definition would be .Name,.VTLSPFMajorRevision, .VTLSPFMinorRevision.

  • If a file object attached to a document can be identified in the target system by its name, the name of the document to which it is attached, and the major and minor revisions of the document, the query definition would be .Name,+VTLSPFFileComposition.Name,+VTLSPFFileComposition.VTLSPFMajorRevision,+VTLSPFFileComposition.VTLSPFMinorRevision.

  • Query definitions should only be used after unique key definitions or UID matching as they have better performance.

  • You can specify the query definition parameters to be in any order, such as .Name,+VTLTagArea.Name can be +VTLTagArea.Name,.Name.

  • A formatting check is performed as you enter the query definition details. A green check mark indicates that the data format is correct.

  • A schema check is performed as you save the stage object to target object mapping.

  • Environment variables are not allowed in the query definition.

  • If both a unique key and query definition are specified, then Data Validator will use the unique key to identify the objects in the target system. If neither are specified then Data Validator will use UIDs to match the target system.

  • If you export from Data Validator leaving the Unique Key and Query definition fields blank, the UIDs in the staging area are used to match the UIDs in the target system. Sometimes, however, the UIDs for a specific type of object in a target system cannot be constructed from the data provided in a CSV file. In that situation, you can use the unique key and query definition as an alternative to identify those objects.

  • If the property mentioned in the target system query definition is looking for the revision object, the query definition queries for the document revision object during the export process, even when the stage relationship definition is mapped to the version relationship definition in the target system. Example: +VTLSPFFileComposition.VTLSPFMajorRevision.

  • If the subsequent relationship mentioned in the target system query definition is looking for the revision object, the query definition queries for the document revision object during the export process even when the stage relationship definition is mapped to the version relationship definition in the target system. Example: +VTLSPFFileComposition+VTLSPFNFDWDocRevTag.