Check out and launch the CMF file - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)
  1. Log on to the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client.

  2. Click Find > Integration > Schema Documents.

    You must be logged on to SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client with a schema administrator role to access the commands on the Integration menu.

  3. In the Find Schema Documents dialog box, click OK.

  4. Right-click the CMF_Ver document, and click Edit > Check Out.

  5. Browse to the location to where you want to check out the file. (The My Documents folder is the default location).

  6. Click OK.

  7. In Windows Explorer, browse to the location where you checked out the CMF_ver document, find the EFSchema.cmf file, and launch that file in the SmartPlant Schema Editor.

    SHARED Tip If the SmartPlant Schema Editor is not an option on the shortcut menu when you right-click on the EFSchema.cmf file, then open the SmartPlant Schema Editor, click File > Open > Starting File, and open the EFSchema.cmf file in the location you specified.

  8. In the Set Active Configurations dialog box, select the schema version you want to view in the Schema Editor.

    Clicking Advanced opens a larger version of the Set Active Configurations dialog box with additional boxes. Make sure all configurations are selected in the Set configurations for new objects list and that Customization is selected in the Pseudo file for new objects list.

  9. Click OK.

The CMF file must be checked in to SmartPlant Foundation before users can publish from an authoring tool.