Scheduled tasks timeout - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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10.0 (2019)
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2020 (15.0)


When submitting tasks using the scheduler, the following message displays.

"The operation has timed out. Increasing the configuration setting:'InternalRequestTimeout' may avoid this issue"

Some internal web requests that create the scheduled tasks are failing after reaching the time out limit, but the underlying thread carries on processing.


You can avoid internal web request operations, such as the scheduled tasks reaching the timeout on the server so they cannot complete, you can increase the default internal request timeout setting in the property InternalRequestTimeout. The default is set to 108000000 milliseconds (30 hours). The setting is located in the Server Manager Site Settings node.

<add key="InternalRequestTimeout" value="108000000">

The value set for the InternalRequestTimeout property can be further increased for very large loads.

For more information, see Site Settings node properties.