Matrices - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

The matrix row is used to link distribution matrices to recipients. For more information, see Distribution matrix configuration.

The mapping properties and/or the relationship definitions are related by mapping relationships (SPFPropertyMapsTo and SPFRelDefMapsTo) to the properties on the matrix row class.

Details of the properties and functionality exposed by these interfaces are given in the sections that follow.

Every matrix consists of two classes, a matrix, and a related matrix row. Matrices are created and related to workflow steps, as described in Workflow recipients.

SPFDocumentMatrix class

The matrix class defined for the workflow object (a document in this example). Like all matrix classes it must instantiate the ISPFDistributionMatrix interface.

The workflow administrator will create matrices and relate them to the workflow steps as needed.

ISPFDistributionMatrix interface

This interface has the abstract relationship to the matrix rows.

SPFDistributionMatrixRow relationship definition

The abstract relationship linking the matrix to the matrix rows.

SPFDocumentMatrixMatrixRow relationship definition

This is a specialization of SPFDistributionMatrixRow and links the document matrix to its rows. Every matrix class must have this specialization relationship to its row class.

SPFDocumentMatrixRow class

This class is used to instantiate each row of the matrix. Like all matrix row classes, it must instantiate the ISPFDistributionMatrixRow interface which identifies the mapping properties.

ISPFDistributionMatrixRow interface

This interface has the abstract relationship to the matrix. This interface implies the ISPFDistributionMapRow interface to identify it as containing the mapping properties. It does not realize this on the matrix row class.

ISPFDocumentMatrixRow interface

This holds the document matrix row properties, in this case, the different document types for the matrix rows. This interface (like all interfaces that contain mapping properties) is implied by the ISPFDistributionMapRow interface.

The following mapping property is found on this interface:



Set on


The document category

Assign Recipients form

SPFRowDocCategory is related to SPFDocCategory by the SPFPropertyMapsTo relationship.

  • Row mapping properties are related to properties and relationship on the objects going down the workflow as follows:

    • SPFPropertyMapsTo relates matrix properties to object properties.

    • SPFRelDefMapsTo relates matrix properties to object relationships. This relationship contains a link interface with a property that identifies the relationship direction. This direction is used to identify the interface used to retrieve the row mapping objects.

ISPFDistributionMapRow interface

This interface identifies ISPFDocumentMatrixRow as a mapping interface.