Configuring SmartPlant Foundation to use the CDW - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation can be configured to use the CDW by enabling the setting for the attribute CDWEnabled to True.

The CDWEnabled attribute is found in different locations depending on which SmartPlant Foundation version is being used:

  • In SmartPlant Foundation version 2009 R3 SP2 and all service packs, the CDWEnabled attribute is located in the web.config file under the site setting in SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager.

  • In SmartPlant Foundation version 2009 R4 and later, the CDWEnabled attribute is located in the SPFAppServer.config file under the configuration service setting in SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager.

    <add key="CDWEnabled" value="True"/>

If you publish documents from the authoring tool before the CDWEnabled attribute is set, you can still enable CDW before you load and consolidate the documents, and the documents will be consolidated in CDW mode. Similarly, if your environment has CDW enabled when you publish the documents, you can disable CDW before you load and consolidate the documents, and they will be consolidated in the shared object mode.