Tags - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELFs of ADMIN_SPO, SCHEMA_SPO, USER_SPO, and WORKFLOW_SPO spreadsheets.

We recommend that you create a backup copy of the original spreadsheets before making any modifications to them.

Create a USER_SPO.xlsm file containing information on tags and their relationship with plant, area, unit etc. Depending on the tag types, these tags are defined in various sheets in the USER_SPO.xlsm file.

Create tags

You can create a new tag using the USER_SPO Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The following example shows you how to create a new electrical tag “Heater” using the USER_SPO.xlsm file.

  1. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of USER_SPO.xlsm file. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  2. Add a new row in the TagElectrical sheet, and in the Name column, type the name of the tag according to the default defined ENS definition, SPXAllTagsENS-UNIT. In this example, type [EE13] in the Name column.

  3. In the UID column, type the UID of the tag. In this example, type [EE13] in the UID column.

  4. In the Description column, type the description of the tag. In this example, type [Heater] in the Description column.

  5. In the Classification column, type the tag classification. In this example, type [TAG_EEH] in the Classification column.

  6. In the Plant column, type the plant to which you want to relate this tag using the [PL_Plantname] format. For example, for Plant A, type [PL_PlantA] in the Plant column.

  7. In the Area column, type the area using the [AR_Area number] format. In this example type [AR_0] in the Area column.

  8. In the Unit column, type the unit using the [UNT_Unit number] format. In this example, type [UNT_10] in the Unit column.

  9. Click File > Save to save the spreadsheet by renaming it as USER_SPO_TAG.xlsm.