Using the demonstration CDW model as a starting point - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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While we recommend that you create your own CDW class definitions, it is possible to start with the demonstration model, which contains one CDW class definition for each SmartPlant Schema SharedObjectDef. However, if you have created custom shared object definitions, you will need to extend the delivered model similarly.

When extending the schema, you can either reuse the existing SmartPlant schema objects as much as possible or create custom CDW schema objects.

In a CDW site, CDW objects are created during the consolidation of class definition objects using ClassDefToClassDef mappings defined in the system. By default, ClassDefToClassDef mappings are available for all class definition of objects that are commonly consolidated in the CDW domain. However, CDW objects are not generated for all non-mapped class definitions, but you can choose to add more ClassDefToClassDef mappings based on your requirements.

An alternative class definition, SPFCDWObject, is available to generate CDW objects for all non-mapped class definitions, but it is not included in the system by default.

The load file (SCHEMA_CDWObject.xml) to enable the SPFCDWObject class definition is available with the CDW demonstration model on Smart Community. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

We strongly recommend that you create new ClassDefToClassDef mappings for any unmapped class definitions that you want to use. Enabling the SPFCDWObject class definition will result in the generation of CDW objects for all unmapped class definitions, which will lead to a fast-growing CDW domain with the associated degradation in performance.