Server - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Server cache

Oracle does some caching, which is remembering information about previous queries. It is recommended that you clear the Oracle buffer between tests, to ensure more consistent data for better comparisons. Use the following SQL command to clear the cache:

alter system flush buffer_cache ;

Server cache is onDemand, meaning a lot of supporting data is retrieved the first time a query is run for a document. This supporting data includes such items as the enumerated list types and list level types, information for properties that are scoped by defined lists of values. Subsequent queries for the same type of object are faster, as the supporting data is already in memory.

XML compression

If the system is using Desktop Client over the internet and not an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise environment, XML compression should be enabled in Server Manager.

Server relationship tracing

Every time a user opens the Actions menu or the InfoMap in the Web Client, the server makes a call to GetNavigationOptions to work out the relationships that can be expanded from the selected object. This can result in the expansion of relationships which may not be useful to the user because the relationships return no data or the data returned is of no interest.

You can review the expanded relationships for each object type, user, or role in the server tracing log which can be configured to list every relationship expansion and the time it takes to be expanded. This can be useful for a system administrator to help tune the relationships that each user or role has permission to see and can help improve performance by removing access to unnecessary relationships.

You can configure the server tracing for relationship expansions for a site in Server Manager. Select the Trace Settings node for the site and set the server Performance property to the Information trace level category. This logs the relationships trace outputs to the default trace log path set for the configuration log files. For more information, see Set the Trace Log Path and Set tracing levels for a site.