Shortcut menu method access - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Methods are used to configure the commands available to the user. These are exposed through menus, shortcut menus (sometimes referred to as right-hand mouse menus or RHMs), and toolbars. This section describes the model for configuring the shortcut menu for objects.

ISPFClientAPI interface

ISPFClientAPI is the primary interface of the SPFClientAPI class. This interface has properties that define the functionality of the methods using this API. There is also a property on this interface (IsACreateConfigurationAPI) that affects the security model.

IsACreateConfigurationAPI property

The IsACreateConfigurationAPI property determines if the methods are updating or not and controls the availability of the methods on the shortcut menu. The filtering of methods by workflow recipient and by configuration is performed on updating methods. Updating methods can only be run when the create configuration is set to that of the selected object or set to a configuration below that of the object into which the object can be claimed.

ISPFMethod interface

ISPFMethod is the primary interface of the SPFMethod class. This interface contains properties for method arguments and also display control, such as if the method is stand-alone for use on a menu, available in the Desktop or Web Client, and so on. These are described in more detail in Graphical User Interface (GUI) Model. There are no properties on this interface that are relevant to configuring the security model.

Functionality configured on ISPFMethod

Basic commands such as Terminate, Copy, Update, and Edit Relationships are configured on this interface.

Manage Access Groups is available to configure the SPFAccessGroup relationships as described in the sections that follow.

ISPFInterfaceDefMethod relationship definition

The ISPFInterfaceDefMethod relationship links the methods to objects via their interfaces. Methods are related to interfaces so that they are available on an object that instantiated that interface.

ISPFMethodCondition relationship definition

The ISPFMethodCondition relationship links a condition to a method. This condition is evaluated against the object on which the command is selected, and it must evaluate to true before the method can be run.

SPFAccessGroupMethod relationship definition

The SPFAccessGroupMethod relationship links the access groups to the method and has a link interface with the following properties and relationships:

SPFFilterByOwnerOrOwningGroup property

When set, SPFFilterByOwnerOrOwningGroup restricts method availability to objects that are owned by the current user (related by the SPFItemOwner relationship) or are related to an owning group found on the role/access group relationship for the access group that gave access to this method.

When the shortcut menu is evaluated, the system first checks if the access group on each method is related to the user's role. Then, if the SPFFilterByOwnerOrOwningGroup property is set, it also checks that the owning group of the object is one the role/access group relationships for that access group. For example, the Process Engineer role may have two access groups for edit and view but with only the Process owning group on the role/edit relationship. This means that methods accessible by the edit group will only be available on objects owned by the Process owning group.

SPFRestrictToActionRecipsWhenObjInWorkflow property

When set, SPFRestrictToActionRecipsWhenObjInWorkflow restricts access to updating methods when the object is in a workflow. When the object is in a workflow, the method is only available to users that are action recipients of the current workflow step. Information only recipients do not get the method even if they are recipients of the current step.

SPFAccessGroupMethodCondition relationship definition

SPFAccessGroupMethodCondition relates an additional condition that must evaluate to true on the selected object for all users in this access group.

For example, the document revise method may only be available to engineers on a CURRENT document, but a manager may be able to revise a SUPERSEDED document as well.

The SPFAccessGroupMethod relationships can be configured using the Edit Relationships command on the method to the access groups or by the Manage Access Groups command on a method or manage methods in an access group.