Configure extract all paged query results to Excel - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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Paging queries retrieve data and show the information from the search results based on the number of objects you can see per page. You can configure the paged query to extract the complete query results directly into a Microsoft Excel file and view all the information there.

When configured, the paging toolbar has an Extract All To Excel button, which is disabled by default. To enable the button, configure the Enables extract all to excel for paged argument on the appropriate methods. For more information, see Common methods.

The Extract All To Excel command retrieves the complete set of query results from both a standard paged query and a light list view, including data that has not yet been cached or viewed. The data is then extracted to a Microsoft Excel file.

It is not necessary to use the Show All button to display the complete query results before extracting the dataset to Excel.

The following client APIs have been extended to have an optional argument to extract all the query results to Microsoft Excel. Any method that uses these client APIs can be configured to use the Extract All To Excel command:

  • QueryObject client API

  • QFindObject client API

  • QueryClassObj client API

  • QueryClassObjFromClass client API

To enable the Extract All To Excel button to display on the paging toolbar, set Argument 15 to TRUE on the four client APIs listed that support the Enable extract all to excel for paged argument on the method.

The four client APIs use the same parameters as follows:





Arg 15

Enable extract all to excel for paged


When using paged queries, enables the Extract All To Excel button, which allows you to extract all the data to Microsoft Excel without displaying it all in a list view.

For example, the QueryObject client API retrieves the queried object based on the argument set on the QueryObject method. To enable the Extract All to Excel button, set Argument 15 on the QueryObject method to TRUE.