Define import mapping - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

What is invariant format?

Invariant format is a property that does not change when a specified transformation is applied on a CSV file. For example, Data Validator uses the invariant format for thousand separator “,” and for decimal separator “.”. So a value of 1.001 would always be interpreted as 1 with three decimal places even if your intention may have been 1001, as the decimal point was really a thousand separator. Data Validator will not return any validation errors on properties using the invariant format, but you run the risk of not getting the intended data into the system.

Import mapping process

Data Validator uses import definitions to map imported CSV file data from existing column headers to the correct column headers for objects, properties, relationships, and relationship properties in the staging area. The import process uses the import definition as a template. The import mapping is built using the existing physical column headers in the input data file, but also supports other column headers that are computed or provided by prompt.

CSV files must be supplied in invariant format. If you import a CSV file that is not in invariant format, you must use computed columns to create an import mapping that converts numeric and date information into invariant format. For more information, see Supported CSV file formats.

Import mapping

Select Import Mapping from the main toolbar list box to view, edit, or create import definitions. The details for import mappings are displayed in three panes:

  • Import Definitions - This pane displays all the existing import definitions in Data Validator. To select an import definition, click on it in this pane.

  • Column Headers - This pane displays all the column headers that have been defined for a selected import definition.

  • Import Definition Properties - This pane displays all the properties defined for each column header in the import definition. A list of all the object, property, relationship, and relationship property mappings for the target system specified in the import definition is displayed, when a specific column header is selected.

Unique identifiers (UIDs)

All UID definitions (unique identifiers) in the staging area must match the UID definitions in the target system. UID definitions must be set on all objects that Data Validator is exporting from the staging system to the target system.

When creating your mappings, you must ensure uniqueness in the Data Validator import mapping by setting up the unique identifier on an object mapping. The system warns you if the number of columns selected to construct the unique identifiers does not match the number of elements in the target system UID definition.

However, a mapping with an incorrect number of UID elements may not be incorrect. For example, if computed columns are concatenated, the UID warning can be safely ignored and the mapping saved with the different number of unique elements.

Globally unique identifiers (GUIDs)

  • If no UID is configured on the class definition of an object in the target system, and the UID of the object in the staging system exceeds 128 characters, a GUID (Globally Unique identifier) is generated by the system for that staging object to make it unique across the staging tables. This GUID is considered as the UID of the object. This ensures that no validation errors occur during job processing, even if the object UID exceeds 128 characters.

  • However, a validation error is thrown if the UID is set on an object in the target system, and the UID configured on the class definition of the object in the staging system exceeds 128 characters.

Auto-generate export mapping

When is auto-generation of export mapping recommended?

Always. The auto-generation of export mapping ensures that any errors are taken care of before exporting the data.

The export mappings in an import definition maps the imported objects, classes, and properties to the existing objects, classes, and properties in the target system. This mapping information can be manually created or automatically generated by selecting the Auto Generate Export Mapping option.

When the Auto Generate Export Mapping option is enabled for an import definition, the target system selected is attached to the export mapping. The target system cannot be attached to another export mapping, as the import mapping objects are mapped to the target system’s export mapping. A target system can have only one export mapping.

  • When the Auto Generate Export Mapping option is selected, you cannot retrieve existing local mappings or use the free text option. The automatic generation of export mapping is available only when a target system is selected on the initial import definition form.

  • When any import mapping is deleted that contains class definitions, relationship definitions, or property definitions that are no longer used by Data Validator, those schema items are automatically removed from the database.

Auto-generate validation rules

Validation rules are automatically generated when import mappings are defined, to save you time when creating rules. For example, each time you create an object mapping for Check Exists, Data Validator automatically generates a rule. Validation automatically runs the rule to ensure the object exists in the target system.

By default, each action that can be assigned to a column is related to one or more generic rules. When validation rules are automatically generated, each generic rule is automatically configured for and applied to the column. For more information about the rules related to each action, see Validation rules and actions.

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