Attach a workflow - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)
  1. Right-click one or more objects, and click Workflow > Attach Workflow.

  2. In the Attach and Edit Workflow dialog box, select the workflow.

    If you selected multiple objects, only workflows they have in common are listed.

  3. Click Attach.

    The workflow starts, with the first step appearing in the To Do List of each of its recipients.

    SHARED Tip When you attach multiple objects to a workflow, a notification object is created. While you work on other things, you can monitor the progress of the attach process using this object.

  4. When the attach process is complete, refresh all views to see the current data for the objects and the related workflow.

For information on configuring the attach process, see Configure attaching a workflow.