Revise a SDx Projects workflow object - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The software automatically revises any collaboration workflow object that has been rejected, such as a technical query, action, or document review.

When a collaboration workflow object is revised, the object's class definition realizes the object’s interface definition. For example, an object using the SCLBAction class definition realizes the ISDARevisableObject.

When the object is revised, the major and minor revision scheme is incremented based on arguments defined in the SCLBReviseObject process step class. The SDARevObjSuperseded property is set to True on the superseded revision. A search for all the objects shows the objects that are only in the latest revision (not superseded).

If you want to see a previous version, select the project communication object, and click Actions > All revisions.

Process step class

The process step class can be used on any collaboration workflow object. The arguments define what the software does when a workflow object is revised.

Process class name: SCLBReviseObject

Syntax: SCLBReviseObject,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Arg4,Arg5,Arg6,Arg7,Arg8,Arg9,Arg10

Example: SCLBReviseObject,SDAProjectComsContract:SDAFromExternalUser,SCLBProjComsDaysToRespond, ,FALSE,RS_Rev01A,FALSE, ,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE


Arg1: The relationship definitions to instantiate to the new revision. These are separated by a colon.

Arg2: The properties to clear. These are separated by a colon.

Arg3: The properties to terminate. These are separated by a colon.

Arg4: The Boolean value for the major and minor revision. If set to True, the next major revision is honored. By default, it is set to False, which means the next minor revision is honored.

Arg5: The revision scheme.

Arg6: A Boolean value for attaching the revision to the new workflow. If set to True, the revision is attached to a new workflow. By default, it is set to False, which means the revision is not attached to a new workflow and the revision continues in the original workflow.

Arg7: Leave blank unless changing to a new workflow. If changing the workflow, provide the name of the new workflow.

Arg8: Boolean for copying the attached files to the revised object.

While revising an object through the workflow that uses the SCLBReviseObject process class, all the properties of the revised object are copied to the new instance, except the following properties:

  • Initiated date

  • Initiated by

  • Due Date

  • Reject Date

  • Reject Reason

  • Rejected By

Arg9: A Boolean value for copying the latest version of the attached documents when the object is revised through the workflow. By default, it is set to False. (Optional)

Arg10: A Boolean value for copying the markups on the attached files to the revised object. By default, it is set to True.

Process class name: SCLBReviseObjectWithForm

Syntax: SCLBReviseObjectWithForm,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Arg4,Arg5,Arg6

Example: SCLBReviseObjectWithForm,FALSE,RS_Rev01A,FALSE, ,TRUE,TRUE


Arg1: The Boolean value for the major and minor revision. If set to True, the next major revision is honored. By default, it is set to False, which means the next minor revision is honored.

Arg2: The revision scheme.

Arg3: A Boolean value for attaching the revision to the new workflow. If set to True, the revision is attached to a new workflow. By default, it is set to False, which means the revision is not attached to a new workflow and the revision continues in the original workflow.

Arg4: Leave blank unless changing to a new workflow. If changing to a new workflow, provide the name of the workflow.

Arg5: Boolean for copying the attached files to the revised object.

  • When revising an object through the workflow using the SCLBReviseObjectWithForm process class, all the properties and the relationships set with the copy12 property of the revised object are copied to the new instance.

  • You can explicitly specify the properties as the display items that are required to be cleared or set to default for the new object in the SCLBTQReviseSection New form section. The form purpose is then set as Revise.

  • The properties that need to be cleared on the new object are the display items with the default revise values set to null.

  • You can explicitly specify the relationships that do not have the copy12 property set as the display items in the SCLBTQReviseSection New form section. The form purpose is then set as Revise so that these relationships are copied to the new object.

Arg6: A Boolean value for copying the markups on the attached files to the revised object. By default, it is set to True.