Copy Data Validator master mappings - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Why would I want to copy the Data Validator mappings?

Only MSR copies of Data Validator mappings are updated with new features from time to time. The HEX copies of mappings are not updated because these mappings may have been modified by users. If you want to use the latest delivered MSR mappings to take advantage of any new features, you can copy the MSR mappings in Data Validator Administration.

There are two ways of copying the Data Validator master mappings.

  • Copying each component of the required master mapping like the import definition, the validation ruleset, the job definition, and the export mapping.

  • Copying all the components of the required master mapping using the master job definition only.

The following procedure describes copying a master mapping using a master job definition.

In the Data Validator Data Administration module:

  1. Configure the copying behavior for the export mappings in the Import page of the Data Validator Administration System Options. For more information, see Copying behavior for export mappings.

  2. Copy the required master job definition from the Data Validator Administration Job Definitions toolbar. For more information, see Copy a job definition.

  3. Ensure that the object weights are set correctly for all stage to target mappings and that none of the weights is set to zero in the Export Mappings page in Data Validator Administration. For more information on object weights, see Configure Data Validator mappings.

In the Desktop Client:

  1. Click Find > Data Validator > Job Details Item and search for the job details item associated with the copied master job definition. For more information, see Create a new job details item object.

  2. Select the job details item object you want to update. Right-click Update and type the import definition name in the Basic CSV format details section or the Raw property (inverted) CSV format details section of the job details item form, depending on your CSV format.

  3. Click Find > Data Validator > Job Details and search for the job details object associated with the copied master job definition. For more information, see Create a new job details object.

  4. Select the job details object you want to update. Right-click Update and type the job definition name in the Common details section of the job details form.