Create review assignment rules - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Review assignment rules define which documents should be assigned to a review plan and to whom, either a discipline or individual, they should be assigned.

Review assignment rules are related to a document type definition, SDADocTypeDefn, which determines how each rule is applied. All document type definitions are reusable with other review assignment rules.


SDADocTypeDefn contains three property definitions: category, type, and subtype. Category, which is the only required property to process the rule, defines the parent document object and can have many types and subtypes. If only the category property is defined on the SDADocTypeDefn, it applies the rule to the document category (parent) and to all types and subtypes (children). If you specify a type or subtype (child), it only applies the rule to those documents matching the type or subtype.

If the rule is not related to any document type definitions, it is applied to all categories, types, and subtypes.

  1. In the Desktop Client, click File > New > Project Communication > Review Assignment Rule.

  2. Select the Intensity, high or low, used to determine the review plan items to be assigned.

  3. Select one or more disciplines. If the selected discipline matches a user's role assignment discipline in the current create configuration, the rules create the review plan items during the overnight scheduler or the register for interest scheduler task.

    • If no disciplines are found on the user's role assignments, the rule picks the user's discipline.

    • If no disciplines are found on the current create configuration, the rule picks the disciplines in the next higher configuration level.

  4. Select one or more issue purposes to generate review plan items.

    • If one or more issue purposes are selected, the rules will process and create review plan items only for the issue purposes related to the current plant or project.

    • If no issue purpose is selected, the rules will create review plan items for all the issue purposes related to the current plant or project.

  5. Define a rule definition. For example, using the following condition creates a rule in which documents that have a relationship to tags with a criticality rating of 3 or 4 are assigned a review plan: (OBJ->SDATagDocuments_12.CriticalityRating) IN (SDACriticality_III, SDACriticality_IV).

    The assignment rule syntax is the same as that used to create conditions. However, the rules do not support keywords, such as OBJ1 and OBJ2, or function keywords, such as ISSET, ISSETB, and more. For more information on using conditions, see Create conditions.

  6. Select the priority. This option prioritizes your review plan items in the user's To Do list.

  7. Select one or more discipline filters to specify which documents to return. The rule is executed if the user's role assignment discipline in the current create configuration matches the rules discipline. The following are the discipline filters:

  • Filter by document primary discipline

  • Filter by document secondary disciplines

  • Filter by tag primary discipline

  • Filter by tag secondary disciplines

Rule definition examples

  • Keywords in the condition string are case sensitive.

  • If you are using an iPad and need to use a single straight quotation mark, you must turn off the Smart Punctuation option in the device settings. From the home screen, select Settings > General > Keyboard > Smart Punctuation to turn off the option.


  • Rule definition to assign all engineering documents that have related tags with a criticality of high or very high to a review plan:

    ANY(Obj->EDG_FDWDocMasterTag.FDWCriticalityRating) IN ('e1FDWCriticalityRating_III','e1FDWCriticalityRating_IV') AND Obj->SPFPrimaryClassification_21.UID='SDC_Engineering'

  • Rule definition to assign specific document types or subtypes that have related tags with a criticality of low or medium to a review plan:

    ANY(Obj->EDG_FDWDocMasterTag.FDWCriticalityRating) IN ('e1FDWCriticalityRating_I','e1FDWCriticalityRating_II')

  • Rule definition using the ANDTAG keyword to support validation between documents and tags:

    • OBJ.Name='ABC'

    • OBJ.Name='ABC' AndTag Obj.Name='XYZ'

    • AndTag Obj.Name='XYZ'

    • AndTag Obj.Name='XYZ' AndTag Obj.Description='XYZ'

    • Obj->SPFPrimaryClassification_21.UID='SDC_Engineering' AndTag Obj.CFIHOS_nominaloutletdiameter>0.008 And Obj->SPFPrimaryClassification_21.UID='FTC_reliefvalve_1'

    The string that appears after ANDTAG is a condition on the tag. The string that appears before ANDTAG is a condition on the document. The software validates both condition strings separately. A condition string can have multiple occurrences of ANDTAG.

    Wildcards are supported for keywords on condition strings. For example, you can use ='*eng*', but keywords such as INSTR are not supported.

Review assignment rule example

The following is an example of a rule that includes relationships, disciplines, and document type definitions. Multiple review assignment rules can be defined and added using a load file.


<IObject UID="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2" Name="NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2" ContainerID="" />

<ISCLBReviewAssignmentRule SCLBReviewAssignmentRulePriority="e1SCLBProjComsPriority2" SCLBReviewAssignRuleIsActive="True" SCLBReviewAssignmentRuleDefn="ANY(Obj-&gt;EDG_FDWDocMasterTag.FDWCriticalityRating) IN ('e1FDWCriticalityRating_II')" SCLBReviewAssignmentRuleIntensity="e1SCLBReviewIntensity1" />

<ISCLBReviewAssignmentRulePI />



<IObject UID="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2.Doctypedef_2" ContainerID="" />

<ISPFClaimableItem />

<IRel UID1="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2" DefUID="SCLBReviewAssignmentRuleDocTypeDefn"
UID2="Doctypedef_2" />



<IObject UID="Doctypedef_2" Name="doctypedef 2" Description="doctypedef 2" ContainerID="" />

<ISDADocTypeDefn SDADocTypeDefnType="e1FDWDocuments" SDADocTypeDefnCategory="e1FDWEngineering" />



<IObject UID="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2.DIP_IFC" ContainerID="" />

<ISPFClaimableItem />

<IRel UID1="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2" DefUID="SCLBReviewAssignmentRuleIssuePurpose"



<IObject UID="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2.DC_PlantA_MECH-N" ContainerID="" />

<ISPFClaimableItem />

<IRel UID1="Rule_NoCondition_MECH_IFC_2" DefUID="SCLBReviewAssignmentRuleDiscipline"
UID2="DC_PlantA_MECH-N" />
