Central Pre-Processor Settings - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Before preparing to work with large amount of data, based on the size of the data it is recommended to configure the LicenseTimeoutSeconds property under Site Settings node in HxGN SDx Server Manager. This setting will prevent the license token to timeout, thereby allowing the session to retain. If you are using SDx deployed in Smart Cloud, this must be done for you by the Smart Cloud Team.

On the Central Pre-Processor Settings page, you can set the various global options that are required for processing the files using the Data Capture Pre-Processor Utilities module.

  1. Log on to HxGN SDx Dashboard.

  2. Click Data Capture Pre-Processor Utilities > Drawing Reader Pre-Processor.

  3. On the Drawing Reader Pre-Processor page, click Show Settings to open the Central Pre-Processor Settings window.

  4. In the Central Pre-Processor Settings window, click Browse Document Index File to select a document index template file. This file is used to store the title block information that is extracted from the Drawing Reader Pre-Processor and the PDF Reader Pre-Processor modules.

  5. Click Browse Log Directory to select a log directory. The progress log files of file processing are stored in this physical location.

  6. Click Preview Color to select a color. The selected color is used to highlight the tags in a drawing file when you preview the configured rules.

  7. Select a thumbnail size from the Thumbnail Frame Size list. The thumbnails that are generated for the files using the Thumbnail Rendition Pre-processor module are of the selected size.

  8. Click OK.

SHARED Tip When you want to pre-process the large drawing files, we recommend you set the Chunk Size for Processing Drawing Files option to define the number of drawing files to be pre-processed at a time. The default value is set to 50. However, the larger the size of the files, it is recommended to have the chunk size lesser than 50 to avoid any processing failures.