Configure To Do List filtering by roles - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Server Manager exposes the ApplyToDoListRoleFilteringInWC setting found in the SPFAppServer.Config file to control the display of workflow tasks in the To Do List. By default, the setting value is True so that all workflow steps in the Web Client are filtered for each user, based on the selected roles.

<add key="ApplyToDoListRoleFilteringInWC" value="True" />

However, some customers may require the To Do List to show all available workflow tasks assigned to their users so they do not miss any task assignments. In that case, change the ApplyToDoListRoleFilteringInWC setting to False so that all available workflow steps are displayed in the To Do List, regardless of any selected roles.

  • In SDx, you can use the To Do List widget in the home screen dashboard to see all workflow tasks assigned to the user, independent of the roles selected.

  • Customers using SDx deployed in Smart Cloud do not have access to Server Manager. Instead, they should contact the Smart Cloud Team if they require this setting to be changed.