Transfer ownership of items from one user to another - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

When a user is permanently reassigned, such as when they leave a company, a Business Administrator needs to transfer ownership of additional items the user owns, which can include documents, subscriptions, matrices, and much more. Notifications must also be sent of the change of ownership. For more information on how to transfer ownership to another user, see Reassign tasks owned by one user to another user.

To permit this transfer of ownership, SPFAllowRelReassignment is exposed on IRelDef2 Interface, and is set on the following relationships.

In the SmartPlant Foundation data model:

  • SPFItemOwner

  • SPFNotifyUser

  • SPFWorkflowReassignToUser

  • SPFRecipientUser

  • SPFUserReassignmentDeputyUser

In the SDx data model:

  • SDAProjectCommunicationToUser

    • SDAToExternalUser

    • SPFCToInternalUser

  • SDAProjectCommunicationFromUser

    • SDAFromExternalUser

    • SDAObservationOriginatingUser

    • SPFCFromInternalUser

SPFRelReassignmentCondition is a new relationship definition used on IRelDef and on ISPFCondition that checks that certain conditions exist before items are reassigned. The minimum cardinality is 1 and the maximum is * on the relationship for End1. The minimum cardinality is 0 and the maximum is 1 on the relationship for End2.

The following conditions are set automatically to check for items to be reassigned.

  • IsWorkflowStepValidToReassign – A new condition on SPFRecipientUser relationship definition determines if workflow steps are on a workflow template, are in a live workflow and not ready, or ready to start, and, therefore, can be reassigned

  • IsDeputyInActiveReassignmentPeriod - A new condition on SPFUserReassignmentDeputyUser relationship definition to check if the reassignment period set on the original user is valid and not past dates.

  • IsSLCBActionsTQsInActiveWorkflow – A new condition on SDAProjectCommunicationToUser and SDAProjectCommunicationFromUser relationship definitions to check if actions and technical queries are in live workflow.

  • IsDocReivewNotCOMPLETEDorCLOSED - A new condition on SDAObservationOriginating relationship definition to reassign document reviews only if they are not in COMPLETED, AUTOCLOSED, or WAIVED states.

SPFUserReassignmentDeputyUser is a relationship definition used on ISPFUserReassignment and ISPFLoginUser to show an administrator the projects for which ownership of a user's items has been reassigned and additional projects for which ownership of a user's items needs to be reassigned.