Configure StaticText rule - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Configure Static Text Rule

The StaticText rule finds “fixed” text that appears on the drawing file, such as DRAWING No. or REV and uses it as a reference point to extract other data. For example, the template finds DRAWING No. and extracts the actual drawing number to the right of and below the "fixed" text using the RelatedText Rule.

To configure the StaticText rule, you must complete the following steps:

  1. In the Configuring Rule for Template window, type a value in the StaticText box.

    If you select the File must have <> check box, the rule checks if the file has the value mentioned in the StaticText box, and stops the process if the value does not exist in the file.

  2. Select the values from the Right Of, Left Of, Above, and Below list. These values refer to the location of the text from a reference element. In this example, we would select Hadden in the Right Of boxes to extract the DRAWING No. from the drawing file.

  3. Click OK.