Load the data into the system - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The document discovery functionality ensures that the files that satisfy the rules provided by the user with administrator rights in the document discovery pattern are selected and loaded into Data Capture. For each file that resolves to a unique document name, Data Capture creates the new document and attaches the file to the document version. When multiple files resolve to the same document name, the document is created and all the matching files are attached to the document version as duplicate files.

The Document Discovery Tasks module allows you to create, update, schedule, and re-run document discovery tasks. You can also preview the summary of the files in the folder that is mapped to the document discovery pattern of a selected document discovery task.

Before preparing to work with large amount of data, based on the size of the data it is recommended to configure the LicenseTimeoutSeconds property under Site Settings node in HxGN SDx Server Manager. This setting will prevent the license token to timeout, thereby allowing the session to retain. If you are using SDx deployed in Smart Cloud, this must be done for you by the Smart Cloud Team.

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