Select the setup for the chart report - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  1. Click New Chart report to start the Business Intelligence Report Wizard.

  2. In Setup > Name, Description, and Basics page, type the name, chart title, description, X-axis label, and Y-axis label details into the options for the new chart.

    • Select the Hide zero count groups check box to suppress the display of statistics when no matching objects are found.

    • Select Enable drill down on charts check box to activate drill down operation on a chart to display the details of the properties. Type the number of drill down items per page required in the Number of drill down items per page box. The default number of items per page is set to 20.

    • If the Enable drill down on charts check box is selected, the Column set box becomes active. Type the column set name in the Column set box, or type * and click Search and select a column set from the menu list that matches how you want to display the item list details.

    • Some options are mandatory, a warning message displays if nothing is typed in those boxes.

    • The default text limit for text boxes, such as chart title, description, and axis labels, is set to 50 characters. The chart name is limited to 32 characters.

  3. Click Next.