Workflow processing - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

When a user attaches a workflow to an object, the following processing takes place.

Attach workflow to object

  • The system checks which workflows (if any) can be attached and presents a list to the user.

  • When a workflow is selected, the system copies the entire workflow template and attaches the copy to the object.

  • The system identifies the start step.

  • The system sets the initial workflow status (as set in workflow options).

If the attach and edit workflow option has been selected, the system makes the edit GUI available (can only edit target dates, step descriptions, and recipients).

For first step only

The following actions are implemented by the system only for the first step of the workflow.

  • Set target completion dates for each step in the workflow, based on the duration of each step in workflow.

    Target date = Step start date + Step duration

    This date initiates overdue management and step expiration.

  • Email users assigned to the first step.

  • Email submitter (to inform them the workflow has started).

  • If any recipient is a role, expand the role (unless it is an issue step). 

For all the steps

The system carries out the following actions when the step starts:

  • Get the step recipients.

  • If it is a process step, get the process class name, and run the process.

  • If it is a sign off step (a form of process step), call the appropriate server function to change the status of the document from Working to Current.

    If sign off and notify, send an email notification to all the users that were subscribed to the document being signed off.

  • Email the recipients, as required, for:

    • Information only step - information only (may also include an action, such as Acknowledge).

    • Work step - action required.

    Emails are not sent if there is no email definition or if the No e-mail indicator is set.

During step duration

  • If the step is claimed, remove the step from the To Do List of the other recipients.

  • If the user selects 'Unable to complete', follow the rejection process – see Workflow rejection and revision process.

  • The scheduler runs to check if:

    • overdue date has been reached (target date + allowable days overdue)

    • expiration date has been reached

  • If the overdue date has been reached, send overdue notification email at predetermined intervals (set in workflow options).

  • If expiration date has been reached, send notification email and reassign the step. See the Workflow expiration processing.

Claiming a workflow step resets target dates

When a workflow step is assigned one or more roles or multiple people, users can claim the step using Claim Workflow Step on the shortcut menu. The method used, WFClaim, has an argument called Reset Target Dates that, when enabled, causes the recalculation of the target date of the step, as well as subsequent affected steps, based on the claim date and duration of the step. If this argument is disabled, claiming a step will have no effect on any dates. The default value of this argument is Enabled.

Step sign off

The validation process is initiated when the step is completed (for example, by user acceptance). The sign off mechanism is the same for manual and process steps.

  • If the password required indicator is set on the step, then the user will be asked to enter a password to complete the step.

  • Check that all other steps (parallel steps) feeding into the step have been completed (unless they are a reject step).

    A preceding information step that has not been acknowledged but has the 'Proceed without acknowledgement’ flag set will be accepted.

  • If the step is a voting step, check that the required percentage of votes has been exceeded. If it has not, then follow the rejection process – see the Workflow rejection and revision process.

  • If a step has a checklist attached with the mandatory indicator set, check if the list has been completed. If yes, then set who completed on the check list.

  • Target dates are updated for downstream steps that are in the Ready to Start status.

Step completion

If all above actions are passed, then the system:

  • Runs any post processing class.

  • Sets the step completion date.

  • Sets the name of the user who completed the step.

  • Sets the status of the next step to ‘Ready to start’.

Workflow completion

When all the workflow steps have been completed, the system:

  • Read the count of the number of workflows on the object and decrements it by 1.

  • Sets the workflow completed status (set in the workflow options).

  • Terminates the workflow and all its associated objects.

    This helps improve performance for workflow actions as the amount of live data is reduced.