Create document PDF renditions - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The software automatically creates a PDF rendition object in the document review process after the document has been consolidated and contractually approved, but before the document is sent to the recipient contractor or supplier.

Process step class

This process step class can be used on any workflow object and must be configured as the last process step before an interactive step. The arguments define what the software does when a workflow document object is generated as a PDF rendition for a technical query, an action, a document, or any responses.

Process class name: SDACreateDocPDFRenditions

Syntax: SDACreateDocPDFRenditions, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14




Arg1: The relationship definition from the source object to document version (for example, from the Technical Query/Action/Document revision to document version).

Arg2: The relationship definition from the source object to the markups (for example, from the technical query to the required markups).

Arg3: The relationship definition from the source object to the rendition object (for example, from the technical query to the rendition).

Arg4: Rendition category.

Arg5: Include action pin details.

Arg6: Watermark name. (Optional)

Arg7: Label name. (Optional)

Arg8: Timeout in milliseconds. (Optional)

Arg9: Edge definition or relationship definition to the starting objects. The starting objects for the rendition are the technical query responses and the documents with markup responses. If argument 11 or 12 is specified, argument 9 becomes the starting object for the markups. (Optional)

Arg10: UID of the column set that will be used for the changemarks summary page appended to the end of the PDF rendition. The default value is CS_SPFObject.

Arg11: Relationship definition or edge definition to navigate from the source object to the documents. (Optional)


  • Obj would navigate to the workflow item.

  • Obj->(relationship definition or edge definition) would expand the workflow item to the relationship definition or the edge definition.

Arg12: Relationship definition or edge definition to navigate from the source object to the starting object for the rendition. (Optional)


  • Obj would navigate to the workflow item.

  • Obj->(relationship definition or edge definition) would expand the workflow item to the relationship definition or edge definition.

Arg13: Relationship definition or edge definition to navigate from the source object to the responses, and from the responses to the document version/rendition. (Optional)


  • Obj would navigate to the workflow item.

  • Obj->(relationship definition or edge definition) would expand the workflow item to the relationship definition or edge definition.

Arg14: A boolean value to control the creation of a PDF which is on filetype to filetype relation. If set to True, this skips the condition evaluation to force the PDF generation. By default, it is set to False, which means it honors the condition to evaluate and generate the PDF. (Optional)

The following examples show each type of SDACreateDocPDFRenditions process step:


<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForTQ" Name="SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForTQ" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for technical query" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SCLBTQReferenceDocVersions,
CS_SCLBActionCS,,,," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForAction" Name="SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForAction" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for action" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SCLBActionReferenceDocVersions,
CS_SCLBActionCS,,,," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGeneratePDFRenditionsForDocument" Name="SCLBGeneratePDFRenditionsForDocument" Description="Generate PDF renditions for document" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SPFRevisionVersions,
SCLBDocVersionsMarkupFiles,SDADocumentRenditions,DRC_Consolidated Document,True,,,,,
CS_SCLBActionCS,,,," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



    <IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocRenditionsForResponse" Name="SCLBGenerateDocRenditionsForResponse" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for response" />

    <ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SDAObservationDocVersions,
EDG_SCLBProjComsIssuedResponses,CS_SCLBActionCS,,,," />

    <ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForActionPrimaryRenditions" Name="SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForActionPrimaryRenditions" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for action primary renditions" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SCLBActionPrimaryDocRendition,
EDG_SCLBProjComsIssuedResponses,CS_SCLBActionCS,,Obj,Obj," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForActionReferenceRenditions" Name="SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForActionReferenceRenditions" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for action reference renditions" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SCLBActionReferenceDocRenditions,
EDG_SCLBProjComsIssuedResponses,CS_SCLBActionCS,,Obj,Obj," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForTQPrimaryRenditions" Name="SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForTQPrimaryRenditions" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for technical query primary renditions" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SCLBTQPrimaryDocRendition,
EDG_SCLBProjComsConsolidatedResponse,CS_SCLBActionCS,,Obj,Obj," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForTQReferenceRenditions" Name="SCLBGenerateDocPDFRenditionsForTQReferenceRenditions" Description="Generate document PDF renditions for technical query reference renditions" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SCLBTQReferenceDocRenditions,
EDG_SCLBProjComsConsolidatedResponse,CS_SCLBActionCS,,Obj,Obj," />

<ISPFAdminItem />



<IObject UID="WSC_SCLBXMTLGeneratePDFRenditions" Name="SCLBXMTLGeneratePDFRenditions" Description="Generate PDF renditions" />

<ISPFStepDefClass SPFProcessClassName="SDACreateDocPDFRenditions,SPFXmtlDocument,
CS_SCLBActionCS,,,,True" />

<ISPFAdminItem />
