Milestone Sets - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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Milestone labels can be combined into milestone sets. A milestone label set, in turn, can be assigned to either a tagged planning item on the P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning screen or to a requisition planning item on the P.60.03 Requisitions Planning screen.

All the labels that make up this set will then be used to track work progress for the associated planning items.

Depending on your tracking requirements, it may also be necessary to set up derivation rules for your milestone labels.

Create as many milestone sets as the project requires. For example, create a separate set per discipline (piping, equipment, and so forth). The creation of sets standardizes planning and tracking procedures for different types of items. This can be distinguished by discipline or by material type (pipe, flanges, valves, instruments, and so forth). To allow easy assignment of milestone sets to requisitions, the milestone set code and its description should clearly express the purpose of the milestone set.

Milestone sets can be defined on the P.10.62 Milestone Sets screen.

To define a milestone set in the first (Milestone Sets) block, enter the set name in the Milestone Set field and the set descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields.

Select the Default indicator to mark this milestone set as the default for the project. Exactly one milestone set can be marked as the default per project. If you use the ZP_MS_CRT project default, the default set will be used for automatic planning item creation during the MTO job execution if there is no milestone set assigned to the requisition template.

The Weight Factor 1 field shows the sum of the percentages of the first weight factor from the milestone set configuration in the second (Milestone Set Configurations) block. When saving, the software checks to make sure it's 100%.

The Weight Factor 2 field shows the sum of the percentages of the second weight factor from the milestone set configuration in the second (Milestone Set Configurations) block. When saving, the software checks to make sure it's 100%.

The Total Days field shows the total of days of the milestones assigned to the set in the second block.

The Total Manhours field shows the sum of the detail manhours.

In the second (Milestone Set Configuration) block, you assign pre-defined milestones to the selected milestone sets. Select a pre-defined milestone from the LOV in the Label field. The Order Seq, Short Desc and Description field will be populated from the selected milestones.

In the Days field, enter the number of days for how long it will take until the next event will occur; that is, how many days are between this event and the following event. For the last event, you should enter zero days. These span days will become effective when the initial plan is calculated for a planning item, and they will also be used when there is no actual date yet for a particular event to calculate the next forecasted date.

The number of days you enter here is just a default for a particular milestone label in the chosen set. It will be copied to the detail information for this label when the milestone set information will actually be populated for a specific planning item. Later on in the planning item screens P.60.01, P.60.03, and P.60.05, you can modify the number of days for your planning item. But this modification on the planning item level will not be propagated back to the number of days you enter here. Vice versa, modifying the number of days here will have no effect on planning items for which milestone labels have already been populated, but instead will simply modify the template for future use.

When a derivation rule for this milestone label has been set up, and the event actually already occurred, then the actual date will populate the forecasted date for the current event and the span days will be used to calculate the next event.

You can specify manhours for a milestone in the Manhours field.

You can enter a weight factor for the selected milestone in the Weight Factor 1 and the Weight Factor 2 fields. Weight factors must add up to 100 within the set; the sums of all assigned milestones are displayed in the corresponding fields in the first block.

Select the First MS on Agreement indicator to define this milestone as the first one valid for an agreement. If you define a milestone set with two phases, you must select the First Pass indicator of a milestone to show that this milestone marks the end of the first phase of planning. Further, you must select the Second Pass indicator of another milestone to show that this milestone marks the beginning of the second phase of planning. You must check either both check boxes or neither of them. If you want to define these two phases, you can only check one first pass and one second pass within a set, with the second pass later in the milestone sequence than the first pass. This two-phase planning can be used on the P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning, P.60.03 Requisitions Planning, and P.60.05 Milestone Explorer screens.