Create Supplement - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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With a higher requisition supplement, the second option Create Supplement is available. If you select Create Inquiry, a new inquiry with supplement 0 (zero) will be created. If you select Create Supplement, a new supplement of the existing inquiry will be created with the supplement number increased by 1 (one).

Click the Continue button to create the inquiry or a new supplement. If project default ZP_P3003 is set to Y or if any new line items were added to the requisition, the P.30.03 Inquiry Assignment screen is opened prior to creating the inquiry supplement.

This screen allows you to assign the new line items to one of the inquiries that are already associated with the previous requisition supplement(s) or to create an additional inquiry. All new and updated requisition line items are displayed with their position number in the Pos field and the sub-position number in the Sub field. Furthermore, the Commodity Code, Ident Code, Size 1 and 2, Tag Number, Increased Quantity with its Quantity Unit, and Ident Short Description values are shown.

If a requisition line item was already part of the requisition prior to the last revision or part of one of the previous requisition supplements and it was already assigned to an inquiry, this inquiry is shown in the Inquiry Number field with its supplement in the Suppl field per default. If necessary, you can select a different inquiry or remove it. If you remove the inquiry, the requisition line item will be placed on a new inquiry that will be created when you click the Process button. If a line item was recently added to the requisition, the Inquiry Number field will be empty. You can either select an inquiry to which you want to assign this line item or leave this field empty. Depending on your decision, the procedure that is started when you click the Process will add these new line items to an inquiry and its associated quotes or creates a new inquiry.

Only inquiries on which the other line items of the requisition can be found are available for assignment.

If you click the Populate Inquiry button, the inquiry that has been entered for the selected requisition line item is copied over for all line items to which no inquiry has been assigned so far.

If you click the Process button, the requisition line items will be processed in the following way:

  1. For those line items for which the assignment to an inquiry has not been changed or removed, an inquiry supplement will be created before the updates are applied. In detail, this means:

    • The quoted quantity will be set to the quantity that has now been released to procurement.

    • If project default ZP_RDQTYCF is set to Y, the quantities on the requisition that have been released to procurement are reduced by the quantities that are available in the corporate or FIM warehouses.

    • If project default ZP_INCREQC is set to Y, not only the selected requisition will be considered but also the line items of all previous requisition supplements that have not yet been purchased completely.

    • A different weight of an ident will be copied over to the quote details.

    • If the quantity unit or the weight unit was changed, it will be updated on the quote details.

    • If an ident now requires a technical evaluation, the quote detail will be marked correspondingly and the technical evaluation checklists and ident values for technical evaluation will be attached to the line item. If the date for the completion of the technical evaluation is already set for the quote on P.30.23 Technical Evaluation, Overview tab, it will be cleared.

    • If a technical evaluation is no longer needed for an item, the technical evaluation checklists and ident values for the technical evaluation are deleted and the quote detail is marked as not requiring a technical evaluation.

      New requisition line items that you have assigned to an inquiry and old requisition line items for which you have selected a different inquiry will be added to all quotes of this inquiry. The volume unit and the currency for these new quote details will be copied over from the quote summary. Technical evaluation checklists will be attached if necessary and if the quote already required a technical evaluation so far and the date for the completion of this technical evaluation was already set, it will be cleared.

      After all quote details have been modified and possibly added, the quotes are calculated again so that the new totals are displayed when calling the P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation screen.

      If any new VDRs or attributes have been attached to the requisition, these are also copied over to the quotes and in the case of attributes to the quote details. Newly attached documents are copied to all associated inquiries. If the project default ZP_TRANSTT is set to Y, text and terms are also copied from the requisition.

      Finally the requisition itself is marked as being inquired completely.

  2. For all requisition line items for which no inquiry has been selected, a new inquiry will be created. This works in the same way as if you select the Create Inquiry option on P.30.01 for any requisition, which means all remaining line items are assigned to this inquiry. The inquiry number is built depending on the setting of project default ZP_INQRULE. If the project default is not set, the name of the selected requisition is copied over as the inquiry number. If the project default ZP_INQRULE is set, the inquiry number is built according to this rule. The inquiry number equals the name of the requisition, but only if the name generated by this rule is not unique in the project.

    Click Yes to open the P.30.11 Inquiries screen where the new inquiry/supplement is displayed. The P.30.11 screen is described in Maintain Inquiries.

Depending on how project default ZP_QSRESET is set, the evaluation results and selections of the previous inquiry supplement may or may not be kept. With ZP_QSRESET set to N (default), the evaluation results and selections of the previous inquiry supplement are copied. If this project default is set to Y, all evaluations and selections are rolled back, which means the commercial and technical evaluation must be done again. Likewise, the positions must be awarded to the bidders again.

If ZP_CALC_BD is set to 0 (zero), the bid due date is copied from the previous supplement when a new inquiry supplement is created.