Split Tag - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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Often for tagged items, in the beginning, you only know that you need a specific tag, for example, a compressor. But, in the course of the project, it may become necessary to split such a tagged item. This split can occur in the inquiry phase or later when receiving the material on site.

The Split Tag button enables you to create splits, for example, for quote details, agreement line items, or item shipments, depending on where in Smart Materials you use this button. The newly created split will automatically be added to the document (inquiry, purchase order, and so forth) from which you called this function. The button is only enabled for tagged items, that is, for items with item rule 'TAB', 'TFM', 'TOM', 'TWM', or 'SWT'. The tag number must be unlike '---' and unlike 'UNTAGGED'.

Items for which this button has been clicked are then called 'Master Tag'. The details that are created are called 'Detail Tags'.

Before a detail tag is actually created, the CIP m_pck_exp_custom.check_split_tag is called. Only if this CIP raises no error is a detail tag created.

The creation of a detail tag comprises:

  • Creating a new tagged item, the commodity code and tag number of which are copied over from the master tag enlarged by a sequential number. Group and part are also copied over from the master tag.

  • Copying of all attributes assigned to the master tag to the detail tag

  • Creating a list position on the BOM. If the master tag can be found on the BOM, an additional node is created on the BOM (if this node does not already exist due to a previous split). This node is created below the node that is defined by project default ZB_SPLNODE and gets the name of the tag number of the master tag. For the creation of this additional node, it is necessary that the project defaults ZB_STAT_ID (default issue status) and ZB_LST_ID (default list status) are set. The node type of the newly created node will be copied over from the node that you have selected for the project default ZB_SPLNODE. Below this node, the detail tag will be saved as an additional list position. This position is needed for the forecast/reservation run and the issue of material on site. It will not be taken into account by the MTO.

  • To limit the scope in which the procedure looks for the tag number in the BOM, project default ZB_SPLI_WP has been created. With this project default, you define a work package that has been created on the B.40.12 BOM Work Packages screen. Only the nodes included in this work package will be taken into account when searching for the tag number in the BOM.

  • If the project default ZP_COPY_MD is set to N (default), the system checks if detail tags exist already. If so, the new detail tag will be populated with the data from the first detail tag found. In the case of the first split, the data is copied over from the master tag. Some of the information for the master tag cannot be changed after the first split. Therefore, copying over of data from other detail tags makes it more likely for the new data to be correct. If project default ZP_COPY_MD is set to Y, data is always copied over from the master tag.

  • After a detail tag has been created and all data have been committed, the CIP procedure m_pck_exp_custom.post_split_tag is called. You can use this CIP for whatever purpose, for example, for updating the description of the new detail tag.

The sub line item position is increased by one for each detail tag. The quantity of a new detail tag is set to 1 by default. Otherwise, it is not displayed in the expediting screens. The sub line item position of the master tag is set to 0 if possible. It is not possible if sub line item position 0 exists already for another position or if you create the first detail tag on a change order.

To update the description of the newly created detail tag, you can double-click in the Tag Number field. The S.80.25 Tag Description and History screen opens where you can maintain the tag description.

With the project default ZP_CLR_DSC, you can control how the description of the detail tags is generated. If ZP_CLR_DSC is set to Y, the description of the new detail tags is generated differently: the first detail tag gets exactly the same description as the master tag itself, and all following detail tags get an empty description (-). If ZP_CLR_DSC is set to N, the descriptions of the detail tags are built as usual. If you want to update the tag number, read the description of the Tag Number field.

Once a detail tag has been created, the quantity of the master tag cannot be updated.

The detail tag gets the sequence of the master tag increased by .001 or a multiple of this value. For example, if a sequence number of 2 has been assigned to a master tag, its detail tags will have the sequences 2.001, 2.002, 2.003, and so on. Thus, detail tags are always shown directly below their master tag.

To be able to distinguish between 'regular' material and split tagged items, different colors are used:

  • 'Regular' material is displayed in black letters.

  • Master tags are displayed using a dark blue color for the letters.

  • Detail tags are displayed just below their master tag. The letters are shown in a light blue color.