Specification Rules - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Plus Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

Specification rules and the tables and attributes associated with them are required to define pipe classes.

The tables and attributes entered as a header appear as an input field in the specification header; those entered as an item appear as input at the specification item level.

Specification Rule Properties dialog box

Spec Rule - Specifies a unique name for the rule.

Short Description - Specifies a brief description (maximum 20 characters) for the rule.

Description - Provides descriptive text (maximum 60 characters) about the rule.

NPD - Specifies whether nominal sizes can be created when pipe classes are copied.

BOM - Specifies whether specifications created using this rule can be used in the BOM module.

Ctrl - Specifies the approval status of the record.

Specification Rule Tables grid

Table Name - Specifies a table for describing a pipe class property.

Level - Specifies whether the table is used for description in the pipe class header or in the pipe class details.

Propagate - Specifies whether the table is inherited when pipe classes are copied.

Ctrl - Specifies the approval status of the record.

Order Seq - Specifies placement of the table in a sequence.

Specification Rule Attributes grid

Seq - Specifies the order in which the attributes occur for descriptions.

Attribute Name - Specifies an attribute for describing a pipe class.

Data Type - Specifies the data type of the attribute, such as integer or character.

Width - Specifies the width (number of digits or characters) of the attribute.

Precision - Specifies the precision of the attribute.

Level - Specifies whether the attribute is used for description in the pipe class header or in the pipe class details.

Propagate - Specifies whether the attribute is inherited when pipe classes are copied.

Physical - Specifies the actual attribute.

Ctrl - Specifies the approval status of the record.

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