How is cost calculated after a price code is assigned to a transport object? - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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When a price code is assigned to a transport object (packing list/package/shipment/etc), the cost calculation is done in the following way.

Case 1- let us assume Quantity (Base Unit 2) is not assigned any value.

The transport  cost of a transport object is calculated as Quantity * Unit Rate.

For each price code assigned to a transport object the quantity value is calculated based on the price base as below.

If Price Base = Freight Ton then Quantity =transport object’s freight ton value.

If Price Base = Weight then Quantity = transport object’s weight converted into base unit.

If Price Base = Volume then Quantity = transport object’s volume converted into base unit.

If Price Base = Each then Quantity = package quantity

If Price Base = Other t then Quantity value has to be manually assigned

Assume that  we have a price code PC1 with properties  Price Base = Freight Ton , Unit Rate = 5 , Base Unit 2 = Day. This price code is assigned to a packing list with properties Total Freight Ton = 10

So in the above example the transport cost = quantity (freight ton value in this case)* unit rate = 10*5 = 50

For all price codes the quantity is read only and is calculated based on the price base. Only exception is for price codes with Price Base = Other where quantity is editable.

Case 2- Quantity (Base Unit 2) is assigned a value.

The transport calculation is different, when Quantity (Base Unit 2) is assigned a value.For example, let us say Base Unit 2 is defined as Day and you have provided the number of days at the transport object level in Quantity (Base Unit 2).

And the transport cost in such cases is calculated as

Quantity * Unit Rate * Quantity (Base Unit 2)  [here quantity is either freight ton or weight or any other value based on price base and Quantity (base unit 2) is the number of days/hours].

For a positive unit rate, when Quantity=0, and Quantity base unit2=0, then transport cost becomes 0 at each of the transport objects.