EAM-51448 MP0024_GetWorkOrder_001 - WO can be retrieved even if not the same ORG with user - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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EAM-51448 MP0024_GetWorkOrder_001 - WO can be retrieved even if not the same ORG with user


*Steps to Reproduce*

1.) Create User1 in ORG1 and * Orgs only. User2 in ORG2 and * Orgs only

2.) Login as User1, create WO in ORG1

3.) Open Web Service Toolkit and use MP0024_GetWorkOrder_001 request

4.) supply necessary information by using User2, and WO as below (Note Org is ORG2

<JOBNUM>new WO created in step #2</JOBNUM>

<ORGANIZATIONID entity="User">



5.) Work Order is retrieved

*Actual Result:* Work Order is Retrieved

*Expected Result:* Work Order should not be retrieved because it belongs to ORG1

Please find attached *TestCase.xlsx*

EAM-51945 PM Schedules | Equipment - Due Date can be change to same date as Original PM Due Date in existing PM WO