Load DLLs and XLS Files into Smart 3D - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.1 - Help - Hexagon PPM

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data Hangers and Supports Help

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

Load the Smart Community package

For Smart3D 2014R1 version:

Download the "Hangers and Supports v2014R1 - March 2020.zip" file or later from Smart Community and follow the instructions provided in the Instruction document.

For Smart3D 2016 version:

Download the "Hangers and Supports v2016 - March 2020.zip" file or later from Smart Community and follow the instructions provided in the Instruction document.

For Smart3D 2016 version:

Download the "Hangers and Supports v2018 - March 2020.zip" file or later from Smart Community and follow the instructions provided in the Instruction document.

For Smart3D 2016 version:

Download the "Hangers and Supports v2019 - March 2020.zip" file or later from Smart Community and follow the instructions provided in the Instruction document.

Copy the DLLs

  1. Place the relevant rules DLLs as per the Smart 3D version from "<SDB Installation folder>\Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data\SDB 12.1\ Standard Database for Hangers and Supports\DLL\V20XX" location to the Smart3D Symbol share location "<Symbol Share>\Custom Symbols"

    • DataDrivenSupports.dll

    • DataDrivenSupports.resources.dll

      Ensure that the DLLs given in the Smart Support Package are placed in the symbol share besides the DLLs mentioned above.

  2. Update the DLL using the Project Management environment by selecting the SmartPlant 3D > Reference Data > Catalog database.

  3. Go to Tools and select Update Custom Symbol Configuration.

  4. Click OK, which indicates that all the newly placed DLLs have been updated.

    After updating symbol Configuration, you will notice the error message for SPLMWrapper11_SDBforHS.dll. Ignore the error message and proceed to the next step.

    ErrorLog message:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart3d\3DRefData\SharedContent\bin\HangersAndSupports\Rules\Release\SPLMWrapper11_SDBforHS.dll

    Error: Type Library of this dll cannot be loaded.

Copy the Symbol Icons

Place the Symbol Icons folder "DDS_Assy" from "<SDB Installation folder>\Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data\SDB 12.1\Standard Database for Hangers and Supports\SharedContent\Data\HangersAndSupports\AssemblyImages" location to the Smart3D Symbol share location "<S3D Symbol Share> \Data\HangersAndSupports\AssemblyImages".

BulkLoad Exported Excel Workbooks into Smart 3D Catalog

To bulkload the exported workbooks, follow the steps below:

  • Bulkload the codelist xls into the Smart 3D

  • Bulkload the parts xls into the Smart 3D

  • Bulkload the assmeblies xls into the Smart 3D

    User can place the parts and assemblies in Smart 3D.