Setting Up Directories for FTR RT - Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) - Help

Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) Help

Full-Text Retrieval (FTR)
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  • The Collection Creation Directory (FULCREATE) specifies the local directory where new collections are created.

  • The Collection Search Path (FULSEARCH) specifies the directory or directories in which FTR looks for collections.

  • The temporary directory (FULTEMP) specifies a directory where temporary files are created during indexing and searching operations.

  • The Network Search Path (FTNPATH) specifies the remote nodes where FTR looks for collections.

To change the values you specified during installation for the FULCREATE, FULSEARCH, FULTEMP, or FTNPATH directories, perform the following steps for both User DSN and System DSN.

  1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Data Sources. Then, click User DSN > SearchServer_6.5 > Configure.

  2. On the SearchServer Setup dialog box, type the path of the directory where you want collections to be created in the FULCREATE box.

  3. In the FULSEARCH box, type the directory or list of directories where you want FTR to look for collections. The directories must be separated by semicolons (;).

    The Collection Search Path must contain the collection creation directory and the fulltext subdirectory of the FTR product directory (example: C:\Program Files\Intergraph\FTR\fulltext).

  4. In the FULTEMP box, type a directory where temporary files can be created. Be sure that there is at least two or three times as much space available as the size of your data.

  5. In the FTNPATH box, type the node or list of nodes where you want FTR to look for remote collections. Each node name must be followed by the /tcp2048 suffix and the nodes must be separated by semicolons (;).

  6. Click OK to close the SearchServer Setup dialog box.

  7. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box.

If an FTR RT is running on another computer, perform the following steps to change the connector parameter values.

  1. Click Start > All Programs > FTR > SearchServer Server Manager.

  2. In the OpenText eDOCS Search Server Connector Manager dialog box, click Setup.

  3. OpenText tcp2048 is the default client connector and is automatically in the list. Click Setup to change parameters for a listed connector. Click Add to add a new connector.

  4. To change the parameters for an existing connector in the SearchServer Server Services Setup dialog box, select the tcp2048 client connector, and click Stop.

  5. Click Setup.

  6. In the Setup Client Connector dialog box, change the values in the Collection Creation Directory box to the directory where you want collections to be created.

  7. Change the value in the Collection Search Path box to the directory or list of directories where you want FTR to look for collections. Separate the directories with semicolons (;).

    The Collection Search Path value must contain the collection creation directory (Fulcreate) and the fulltext subdirectory of the FTR product directory (example: C:\Program Files\Intergraph\FTR\fulltext).

  8. Click OK to close the Setup Client Connector dialog box.

  9. Restart the tcp2048 client connector by selecting the tcp2048 client connector and clicking Start.

  10. Click Close to close the OpenText Search Server Service Setup dialog box.

  11. Click Close to close the OpenText eDOCs Search Server Connector Manager.

To add a connector, perform the following steps.

  1. Click Start > All Programs > FTR > SearchServer Server Manager.

  2. In the SearchServer Server Manager dialog box, click Setup, and then click Add.

  3. In the Setup Client Connector dialog box, change the values in the Collection Creation Directory box to the directory where you want collections to be created.

  4. Change the value in the Collection Search Path box to the directory of list of directories where you want FTR to look for collections. Separate the directories with semicolons (;).

    The Collection Search Path value must contain the collection creation directory (Fulcreate) and the fulltext subdirectory of the FTR product directory (example: C:\Program Files\Intergraph\FTR\fulltext.

  5. Click OK to close the Add Client Connector dialog box.

  6. Restart the new client connector by selecting it and clicking Start.

  7. Click Close to close the OpenText Search Server Service Setup dialog box.

  8. Click Close to close the SearchServer Server Manager.