Character Variant Rules File Examples - Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) - Help

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Three example character variant rules files are delivered with FTR in the fultext subfolder. These files are FULTEXT.FTL, GERMAN.FTL, and FRENCH.FTL.

The following rules from FULTEXT.FTL append the plural suffix s and the English possessive suffix 's to each word:

In both cases the suffix is separated from

% S

% 'S

the percent sign by exactly four spaces. The following rules from GERMAN.FTL bidirectionally substitute the substring ue for ü:

:UE \Fxc8U

:ue \Fxc8u

:\Fxc8U UE

:\Fxc8u ue

In each rule exactly two spaces separate the target and replacement fields.

The character variant rules are case sensitive. Therefore, the sample rules files included with SearchServer contain redundant rules differing only in the case (UPPER and lower) of the letters in the target field.

The case of the letters in the replacement field is not a concern, since SearchServer performs case normalization before dictionary lookup.

One additional rule might be required to extend the equivalence of ue and ü to single-character wildcard matching: an indexed accent followed by an alphabetic character is treated as one character. Extending this to the typographical equivalent substring ue requires the following rule:

:\Fx18 ue

where \Fx18 is a special code that represents a single character wildcard. This rule must contain exactly three spaces separating the target and replacement fields.