Page Breaks - Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) - Help

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Word processors use two types of page breaks, usually referred to as hard and soft breaks. A hard page break is inserted by the document author to ensure the material that follows it appears on a new page. Soft page breaks are inserted by the word processor as part of its pagination function. Their positions are calculated based on page size, margins, size of type, etc.

Most word processors store page breaks in the document. However, some such as WordPerfect store both hard and soft breaks, while others such as Microsoft Word and AmiPro store only hard breaks. The ftmf filter emits a page break when it encounters either type of page break stored in the document.

Documents in formats that store only hard page breaks can cause the filter to produce an inaccurate page count. If you require a correct page count, Microsoft Word or AmiPro documents should be prepared with a hard page break at the end of each page.

For more information about the filter's page count function, see the /tp parameter described in ftmf Filter Syntax.