Nozzle Stiffnesses - TANK - Help - Hexagon


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Allows you to specify up to fifteen low tank nozzles. The data specification can include external piping loads from a pipe stress analysis, if available.

Nozzle Stiffnesses Tab

  • When you select 650 as the API Design Code in General Tank Data, the software uses the data acquired from this dialog box to implement the rules of API 650, Appendix P.

When you select 620 as the API Design Code in General Tank Data, an additional API 620 Specific Data section displays, and the the software uses the data acquired from this dialog box to implement the rules of API 620.

  • When the tank temperature value in General Tank Data is changed, the software updates the Modulus of Elasticity and Expansion Coefficient values automatically. These values are obtained by interpolating the data provided in Table P-1 of API 650.

  • If you check Use PVP-1279, TANK uses an alternate method to compute the nozzle stiffnesses. This alternate procedure is detailed in PVP-1279 and is valid for smaller tanks.