Define the Roof Specifications - TANK - Help - Hexagon PPM


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With the general tank data and shell courses defined, you are ready to define the roof specifications.

  1. Select Roof Specification Parameters Roof Specifications ICON on the Home > Input panel.

  2. Select the General Roof Specs tab.

  3. For Roof Type, select Cone.

  4. Type 15 for the angle between the roof and horizontal.

  5. Type 5.0 for Net Area at Roof/Shell Junction.

  6. Type 0.4375 for the roof plate thickness.

  7. Click Save Save ICON.

    BTV General Roof Specs Tab

  8. Select the Cone Roof and Material Data tab.

  9. Select AISC89 for the Structural Database.

  10. Select C for a preferred rafter type of Channel.

  11. Select W for a preferred girder type of Wide Flange.

  12. Select W for a preferred column type of Wide Flange.

  13. Click Browse Button next to the Roof Plate Material box.

  14. Double-click A-516,60 from the material list in the Material Selection dialog box.

  15. Click Browse Button next to the Structural Member Material box.

  16. Double-click A-36 from the material list in the Material Selection dialog box.

    TANK populates several of the other fields based on your material selections.

  17. Click Save Save ICON.

    Supported Cone Roof Data Tab

Now that you've input the TANK data, you can check the input for errors.