Place Bolts Automatically Command - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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AutoPlace Bolts Automatically creates a bolt set for components based on the information in the specification. The bolt set that the software applies is determined by the item code and bore of the component. The software scans the entire pipeline and assigns a bolt set based on the following:

If ...

Then ...

No adjacent component exists

The software places a bolt at an open end if one is assigned for it in the specification.

No bolt assignment on adjacent component exists

The software does not create a bolt set.

Bolt assignments match (bolt code, quantity, and bore)

The software creates a single bolt set based on the Bolt Assignment reference table.

Bolt assignments do not match (bolt code, quantity and bore)

The software does not create a bolt set.

See the Material Editor Help for information about the specification of bolt sets for Smart Isometrics.

This command is also available on the Tools Toolbar.

  • In cases where the bolt assigned to a component is not the required length, the software must compute the necessary bolt length. After the software determines the length, it then locates the next longest bolt in the catalog that is of the same type and diameter. Two examples are shown below.

Two flanges of different thickness:

flange1_bolt_length + flange2_bolt_length/2

Wafer fitting between two components:

  • If you repeat the Place Bolts Automatically command, the software first deletes all the bolt sets that were previously assigned automatically. Next, the software re-runs the Place Bolts Automatically command to take account of any changes in the pipeline configuration.

  • The software does not delete any user-defined bolt sets.

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