Permit to Work | Safety Scope tab - HxGN EAM - 12.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Safety Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

On this tab, you can fill in activities, not to be confused with work order activities, that need to be performed and for which the permit to work is required. These activities can be selected from a variety of different sources, even using a combination of different sources. The possible sources of activities are:

  • PM Schedules

  • Standard WOs

  • Task Plans

  • Job Plans

This is in essence an alternative to creating the permit to work from the work order. By selecting activities here, the system will add the related safety records of these activities to the Safety tab of the permit to work as well.

As you know, PM Schedules and Standard WOs may have one or more Task Plans associated and in turn each Task Plan may have one or more Job Plans associated. The system will also create safety scope records for these related records, providing they do not exist yet on this tab. Meaning that if two PM Schedules have the same Task Plan associated and you add both PM Schedules here, then the Task Plan will only be added once. For these related records, the system will also create safety records for the permit to work.

The system will also create tool records for any planned tools associated with the selected PM Schedule, Standard WO, Task Plan, or Job Plan on the Tools tab of the permit to work. And if these tools have safety records associated in the Safety Matrix, then these safety records will be added to the Safety tab of the permit to work as well.

Deleting a safety scope record will also delete the related safety records from the Safety tab of the permit to work. And it will delete the related tool records from the Tools tab and any tool related safety records from the Safety tab.

Note that creating tool records from this tab is subject to the setting of the Organization Option PTWTLDUP. If set to NO, the system will not add any duplicate tools. The consequence is that the tool record will not reference back to the safety scope record for which it was created. This in turn means that automatically deleting tool records based on the deleted safety scope record is not possible anymore, and therefore must be done manually.

This tab has the following important attributes:

  1. The activity selection is required and offers a multi-select lookup. Make sure you select one of the following fields as your activity.

    1. PM Schedule

    2. Standard WO

    3. Task Plan

    4. Job Plan

  2. Safety Scope: System generated sequence number identifying the safety scope record.

  3. Notes: Free text field.

  4. Source Type, Source Code and Source Org.: These fields will be populated for the automatically created related records. A Task Plan may reference back here to the originating PM Schedule it came from and a Job Plan may do the same to the originating Task Plan.

  5. The tab also offers a regular set of UDFs.

  6. Buttons:

    1. Import from Work Order: When you click this button the system will launch a popup where you can select a work order. And when you click Submit the system will:

      1. Create a safety scope record for the following from the work order, if present,

      2. The PM Schedule.

      3. The Standard WO.

      4. Any Task Plan on any of the activities of the work order.

      5. Any Job Plan on any of the activities of the work order.

      The source fields will reference the imported work order. Note that no duplicate records will be created. If two imported work orders have the same PM Schedule, only the first work order imported will add this PM Schedule. The work order imported last, will not add this same PM Schedule.

    2. Create tools records for any tools available on the Plan Tools and Schedule Tools tabs of the work order. No duplicate tool records will be created by this process for the same work order, but different work orders may add the same tool. The Organization Option PTWTLDUP plays no role in this, and the source fields will reference the imported work order and not the safety scope records.

    3. Create a safety records. No duplicate safety records will be created by this process. Note that the source fields on this tab will reference the original source (PM Schedule, Equipment, etc.), they will not reference the imported work order as is the case for the other two tabs.

    You can import the same work order multiple times. The system will only add the work order differences between the last import and the current. If you added an activity with a task plan and you added a tool to the work order, those additional records will be imported. Or if you deleted records from the permit to work and decided you deleted the wrong ones, use the import to start with a fresh set again.