LOTO tabs - HxGN EAM - 12.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Safety Management

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HxGN EAM Version

Use the defined isolation methods and isolation points on the LOTO tabs on the following HxGN EAM screens:

  • Assets/Positions/Systems

  • Locations

  • Permits to Work

Define LOTO records as follows:

  1. Review Details - In this section you can review the data on the LOTO tab. When you enter a new record on this tab, or when you update or delete an existing record the review details will be cleared, rendering the whole tab un-reviewed. Initiate the review process by clicking the Reviewed By icon. The e-Signature popup will display where you can enter your username, password and select a Signature Type. If this gets validated OK, the system:

    1. Deletes all records that are flagged Delete Pending.

    2. Fills in the Review details on this tab.

    3. Sets the Date Review Required equal to the system date plus the number of days set for Organization Option LOTORFRQ. If you do not want regular reviews of your LOTO data leave this option blank.

      On the Assets, Positions, and Systems screens the review will also trigger a set of electronic archive records.

  2. Sequence - Required integer identifying the sequential order of the step in the process. Normally a LOTO process consists of several steps that need to be executed in sequence, for example: 1st-switch off the electricity, 2nd-close valve 1, 3rd- close valve 2, and 4th-bleed tank 3. The sequence field does not have to be unique. The system allows you to easily renumber the steps. However, you are now responsible for identifying the proper sequence of the steps.

  3. Isolation Type - System Codes entity ILTP. It is possible to associate different LOTO procedures to the same equipment. Think of the differences between changing the impeller versus repairing the gearbox of pump P01. For the impeller, you need to switch of the electricity, isolate and bleed the pump; for the gearbox repair you may only have to switch of the electricity.

  4. Isolation Step - If selected you identify this step as part of the isolation or lockout process. If unselected it is part of the de-isolation process, that is, bringing the equipment back on-line.

  5. Isolation Method - Required field referencing the instructions for this step.

    The isolation method you select may have a checklist attached. This checklist becomes available on the Checklist tab of the Permit to Work screen.

  6. Isolation Point - Optional lookup.

  7. Location Note - Defaults from the selected isolation point but can be overwritten.

  8. Energy Source - Defaults from the selected isolation point but can be overwritten.

  9. Residual Energy and Secondary Residual Energy - Defaults from the selected isolation point but can be overwritten.

  10. All UDFs

    • Default from the selected isolation point but can be overwritten.

    • Through screen designer the User Defined Field Options and User Defined Field Lookup Values will not be available. Use the Isolation Points screen for this setup.

  11. Number of Tags - Identify the number of tags you want printed along with the permit to work report.

  12. Delete Pending - This check box is only relevant if the Organization Option LOTORREQ is set to YES. This setting prevents direct deletion of records on this tab. To delete a record on this tab two steps must be completed:

    • User selects Delete Pending for the record that must be deleted.

    • As part of the review process (see Review Details above) these records will be deleted.

  13. Buttons:

    • Add/Edit Comments - Free format comments specifically for this record.

    • Add/Edit Documents - Document attachments specifically for this record.

    • Import from Equipment - Rather than manually creating the LOTO procedures from scratch you can copy them from any other equipment.

    • Import from PTW (permit to work) - Rather than importing from equipment you now import a LOTO procedure from a permit to work that you developed a while back.

The following are differences between the LOTO tabs of the Equipment (setup) screens and the Permit to Work (transactional) screen that are worth noting:

The LOTO tab on the Permit to Work screen:

  • Does not have an Isolation Type. Only one of the procedures will be copied from the equipment to the permit to work. This field is not required.

  • Does not have a Review Details section at all. Review on this tab is implied through the header permit to work status itself.

  • Has the Revision of both isolation method and isolation point included, ensuring the history never changes.

  • Has Delete Pending as a protected field. It is only used to indicate that there was an intention to delete the record, but it was copied to the permit to work before the review and therefore was never deleted at the source. That also means you can delete LOTO records on this tab normally. The Organization Option LOTORREQ does not play a role.

  • Source Details - This section holds fields that will help you identify where certain records came from and when they were reviewed.

  • Note - Free text field for any additional remarks

  • Key References - If you want to record keys used in the lockout process record them here.

  • Complete - Click this when the LOTO procedure/step is completed. This can be used during isolation, but also during the de-isolation steps.

  • Unable to Complete - If the LOTO step cannot be completed, use this field to identify the reason. For example, the valve is stuck, the electric switch is broken, etc. Reasons can be defined on the System Codes entity RLUC (Reason LOTO unable to complete).

  • Replaces LOTO - If a LOTO step cannot be completed, it is likely that another option must be found. A different isolation point may be an alternative. In case you create such a replacement record, use this field to reference the LOTO record that it replaces.
    Note that creating a replacement record when the header status is still unfinished is always allowed. But once the status is no longer unfinished, the only way to add records would be to set Organization Option ‘PTWUPDLO’ to ‘YES.’

  • Step Number - If a LOTO step cannot be completed, and you need more than one replacement record, you can use this field to define the sequence within the replacement records.

The LOTO tab on the permit to work is also automatically populated whenever possible. When the system creates a new permit to work automatically through the release of a PM schedule or a maintenance pattern work order or simply when you manually associate a permit to a work order, LOTO records will be copied from the equipment of the new permit to work providing the isolation type on the permit matches one on the equipment.

LOTO records will only be created if the associated permit to work is also created. This process is described later in the section on permitting.