Precautions screen - HxGN EAM - 12.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Safety Management

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HxGN EAM Version

Use the Precautions screen to define precautions for hazards as follows:

  1. Precaution - Unique identification of the precaution. If you leave this blank the system automatically assigns a sequence number.

  2. Description - Brief description of the precaution. Extended length up to 255 characters.

  3. Organization - The organization associated to the precaution.

  4. Status - System Codes entity PCST.

    1. Precautions are under revision control and can only be edited when the Status is Unfinished.

    2. Certain fields can be updated when the Status is Request Approval or Approved, but this depends on the Revision Control Setup. See Revision Control Setup.

    3. When you approve a new revision:

      1. The current approved revision is automatically superseded.

      2. If Organization Option SAFESYNC is YES, the system updates the Safety tabs of the Equipment, Location, Category, Part, PM Schedule, and Standard WO screens with a matching organization where the precaution is used, and updates Timing and all UDFs with the new values of the precaution.

      3. If Organization Option SAFERREV is YES, the system will update the Safety tabs of the Equipment, Location, Category, Part, PM Schedules, and Standard WO screens with a matching organization where the precaution is used, and clears out the review data, rendering the Safety tab un-reviewed.

  5. Timing - System Codes entity PCTI. When the precaution should be taken whether during the time the work is performed (wear safety goggles), before the work is started, or after the work is completed.

  6. Responsibility - System Codes entity RESP (System Code R004). Reference to the person that will be responsible for this precaution while on the job.

  7. Date Review Required - Like the Hazards screen.

  8. Revision Details - Like the Hazards screen.

  9. Buttons:

    • Create New Revision - Like the Hazards screen.

  10. Standard tabs - Like the Hazards screen.