Configuring Desktop Client server login entries - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 38 - Installation & Upgrade

SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client Workstation Setup

SmartPlant Foundation
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Installation & Upgrade

When you log on to the Desktop Client, you can click Options > New in the Login window to create a new entry for a server and site so that you can select it from the Server list on subsequent logins. See Add a new server configuration for details.

If you want to create a list of servers for multiple users on a single machine, you can directly edit the file that stores the server list on the local computer.

  1. Edit the ServerConnections.xml file, located in \ProgramData\SmartPlant on the client computer.

  2. In the <configuration> section, add a <server> element for each server you want to make available:

    <server name="<ServerName>" spfserver="<HostName>" spfwebdir="<Virtual Directory>" secure="<True|False>" trusted="<True|False>" />

For example, to add two entries for two sites hosted by the same server:

<server name="ABC1" spfserver="MyServer" spfwebdir="ABCsite1" secure="True" trusted="True" />
<server name="ABC2" spfserver="MyServer" spfwebdir="ABCsite2" secure="True" trusted="True" />

You can also manually edit the user-specific server list. The Settings.xml file located at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SmartPlant\Foundation be edited with a similar list of servers, though some of the property names are different: <server name="ABC1" host="MyServer" dir="ABCsite1" ssl="True" trusted="True" />