When you log on to the Desktop Client, you can click Options > New in the Login window to create a new entry for a server and site so that you can select it from the Server list on subsequent logins. See Add a new server configuration for details.
If you want to create a list of servers for multiple users on a single machine, you can directly edit the file that stores the server list on the local computer.
Edit the ServerConnections.xml file, located in \ProgramData\SmartPlant on the client computer.
In the <configuration> section, add a <server> element for each server you want to make available:
<server name="<ServerName>" spfserver="<HostName>" spfwebdir="<Virtual Directory>" secure="<True|False>" trusted="<True|False>" />
For example, to add two entries for two sites hosted by the same server:
<server name="ABC1" spfserver="MyServer" spfwebdir="ABCsite1" secure="True" trusted="True"
<server name="ABC2" spfserver="MyServer" spfwebdir="ABCsite2" secure="True" trusted="True"
You can also manually edit the user-specific server list. The Settings.xml file located at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SmartPlant\Foundation be edited with a similar list of servers, though some of the property names are different: <server name="ABC1" host="MyServer" dir="ABCsite1" ssl="True" trusted="True" />