Set up an Orthographic Drawing by Query component - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Orthographic Drawings

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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  1. Right-click the folder where you want to store the new Orthographic Drawing by Query component, and select New > Orthographic Drawings by Query.

  2. Right-click the Orthographic Drawing by Query Component and select Setup to open the Select Filter Dialog.

  3. Select the filter that specifies the objects to include in the drawing. Click Properties to display the current filter properties. See Drawings by Query Filters.

  4. If you want extra space included around the objects, specify a Volume Growth value. The larger the value, the more space is included around each object.

  5. If you want to include the supported objects in the volume, set Expand Volume to Include Supported Objects to On and click OK.

    • This option is only available for Hangers and Supports drawings that use the HngSupRangeNavigator.dll, HngSupNoSupportingRangeNav.dll, or SystemRangeNavigator.dll navigator rules.

    • You can control this option by editing the XML file for the template. To turn Expand Volume to Include Supported Objects on, set the <clipsupported> node to -1. To turn it off, set the node to 0.

To generate orthographic drawings with using the component, you need to save it as a package and associate it to a Drawings by Query Manager. See Set up a Drawings by Query Manager component.