Edit a scantling drawing - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Orthographic Drawings

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version
  1. Right-click a drawing document and select the Edit Command to open the drawing in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

  2. To add an existing view that is not assigned to a drawing, Place an unassigned view.

  3. Place a section view.

  4. Place a detail view.

  5. To manually add a drawing view, Create a New Composed Drawing.

  6. To delete a view that is assigned to the drawing, right-click the view In the Drawing View Explorer and select Delete. Alternatively, right-click the view and select UnAssigned to move the view to the Unassigned folder.

    If you delete a view that is a parent of other views, such as a detail or section view, the Convert or Delete dialog displays. Select Convert to independent drawing view(s) to save the child view as an independent drawing view, or select Delete to delete the child view.

  7. In the SmartSketch Drawing Editor, click File > Save. Close the SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

  • Before a view has been updated for the first time, it contains preview geometry in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor. For example:

    SM3D DrwOrtho CONCEPT ViewPreview2

  • When a view is up-to-date, the view icon looks like this in the Drawing View Explorer: .

  • When a view is out-of-date, the view icon looks like this in the Drawing View Explorer: . To update an out-of-date drawing, right-click the drawing and select the Update Command.

  • When a view is unassigned and in the Unassigned Folder of the Drawing View Explorer, the view icon looks like this: .

  • All views in the Unassigned Folder are available for placement on documents created with the Add Document command. See New Command.