Place a Label Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Orthographic Drawings

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Manually labels items on a drawing. This command is available when you are editing a 3D drawing in SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

You may want to manually place labels to identify or emphasize objects beyond what is provided by automatic labeling. You can choose one of the delivered label rules, or you can customize your own label rule.

You can select a single object and place a label for the object.

With an applicable label rule, you can also select multiple objects, and then place a group of labels. The following figure shows grouped labels aligned to each other and consolidated by label types with optional leaders and bubble labels.

When you place labels using this command, the software automatically saves the labels to the DwgTemplate layer so they are preserved when you update the drawing document.

  • To move a label after it has been placed, click and drag the label by its origin point, identified by the green circle in the middle of the label object. In the following example, the Drum label is moved.

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  • Snapping behavior is automatic. In the previous example, if you click and drag the Drum label by its origin point and hover over another label, then release the Drum label, it snaps to the new position.

Place a Label Ribbon

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