General Tab (Wall System Properties Dialog) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Structure

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Displays the wall properties that you can edit or that are automatically determined by the software at placement. The property name appears on the left side of the grid and the corresponding property value appears on the right side of the grid. If you selected more than one wall and then selected the properties command, only the common properties between the selected walls display.

When viewing properties for a single wall, the following properties display. More properties may display depending on what you defined in the reference data. Refer to the Structure Reference Data Help for more information on properties.


Specifies the properties category to view. Select Standard.


The standard properties that display depend on the reference data for the wall. Because wall reference data is fully customizable, only the common properties are documented.

Parent System

Select the system to which the wall belongs.


Displays the name of the wall. The wall name is based on the Naming Rule selection. If you want to type a new name for the wall, in the Naming Rule box, select User Defined, and then type a name for the wall in the Name box.

Naming Rule

Specifies the naming rule that you want to use to name this wall.

Default Name Rule

Names the wall using the format "WallSystem-<location>-<index>" where <location> is the global workshare location ID and <index> is a unique index number that starts at 0001. For example, WallSystem-1-0043.

Unique Name Rule

Names the wall using the format "<system>-WallSystem-<location>-<index>" where <system> is the name of the parent system to which the wall system belongs, <location> is the global workshare location ID and <index> is a unique index number that starts at 0001. For example, Structure System-WallSystem-1-0043.

User Defined

Select to specify the wall system name yourself in the Name box.


Select the wall type.


Specifies the composition for the wall type. The layers in the select composition appear.


Specifies the priority assigned to the object system. Smart 3D uses the priority to group objects. To change the options on the list, edit the Structural Member Priority select list in Catalog.

Continuity Type

Specifies the way in which the object system reacts when the system intersects another object system (your automatic splitting preference). The list is defined by the StructContinuity codelist.


Indicates that the object system should split the other object system.


Indicates that the object system should be split by the other object system.

You cannot split objects that have a Continuity Type setting of Continuous.

Continuity Priority Number

Specifies the priority when two profile systems that have the same Continuity setting intersect. The profile system with the lowest continuity priority number penetrates the other system. For example, two profile systems intersect and the Continuity setting of each set to Continuous. The profile system with the lowest Continuity Priority number splits the other profile system. You can only modify this property at the root system.


Specifies whether or not the wall is a load bearing wall.

Boundary Offset

Specifies the distance the wall should be offset from the selected boundary.