SDB Merge Tool - Enhancements - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.5 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data Release Bulletin

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

The SDB Merge Tool is used to connect two databases and display the differences in data between the two databases on the user interface. Using this visual representation, you can merge data. The merging of data is always from the source to the target database.

Enhanced SDB Merge Tool to compare and merge NLS1 and NLS19 details together

The SDB Merge Tool has now been enhanced to simplify the comparison and merging of diverse NLS (NLS1-English and NLS19-Industry) details in Mode 2. You can now compare data based on additional NLS columns using a checkbox on the Select the mode screen. The node color-coding now reflects the status of the NLS column data, and node re-comparison is performed with consideration for these NLS columns. Additionally, the NLS checkbox on the main grid view screen enables you to view alternative NLS details data within the source and target grids.

Ability to merge data for new business objects

The SDB Merge Tool now enables you to view and merge data from SDB Views, Assemblies, and Fluids that have been incorporated into SDB. This enhancement provides you with the capability to comprehensively compare and assess information between the source and target databases. You can selectively merge data based on their specific requirements and preferences.

A custom compare feature in the SDB Merge Tool for CADWorx integration from the SDB to Non-SDB database

The SDB Merge Tool now supports the connection between SDB and Non-SDB databases. It facilitates the identification of data variances between two distinct product groups through a user-friendly interface, allowing you to determine the specific data to be merged into the target database.

Additionally, the SDB Merge Tool has been improved to include a custom compare feature designed for CADWorx integration. This feature covers Data Table Configurations, Templates, Data Table Mappings, and Attribute Mappings, allowing seamless data synchronization between the SDB and Non-SDB Databases.